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Updated: August 18, 2024

On reaching the island of Bohol, as their numbers had been greatly reduced by sickness and the loss of men at Matan and Zebut, they shifted the guns and stores of the Conception into the two other ships, and then burned her. Touching at the island of Mindanao, they met with a friendly reception from the Rajah. It was found to abound in rice, sugar, ginger, hogs, hens, and other animals.

The Rajah of Zebut coming up for the fight had taken place some distance from the boats rescued the survivors. Of the whole party who had landed, eight were killed with their leader, and twenty-two were wounded.

Thus, in less than fourteen days after the arrival of the squadron, the whole of the inhabitants of Zebut and the neighbouring regions had been converted to the new faith adopted by the Rajah and his nobles, with the exception of one village of idolaters, which still stoutly held out against it.

The satisfaction of the Admiral was still further increased by hearing that the Moluccas, of which he had come in search, were to be found at no great distance to the southward. Not far from Zebut lies the island of Matan, the Rajah of which, though willing to pay every courtesy to the strangers, declined to acknowledge the sovereignty of the Emperor, or to pay him tribute.

Rivalry between the crowns of Castile and Portugal Magalhaens, a Portuguese, offers his services to the Emperor Charles the Fifth of Spain, to find a passage through America into the Pacific Associated with Ruy Falero Offer accepted The squadron, consisting of the Trinidad and four other ships, leaves Seville the 10th of August, 1519 Long detained by calms Enters harbour in the Brazils Proceeds farther south Winter season Enters Port Saint Julien Visited by a gigantic native dressed in skins Terror at seeing himself in a mirror Brings off a guanaco Two natives captured Attempt to take two more defeated Natives called Patagons Possession of the country taken for the crown of Spain Mutiny discovered Ringleaders executed One of the squadron wrecked Squadron sails south Entrance to the straits discovered Ships advance through them The crews, alarmed, desire to return Two ships missing Smoke seen Land to south called Tierra del Fuego One of the ships deserts Cape Deseado reached The Pacific appears Squadron steers north-west Two small islands seen Fearful sufferings from hunger The crews attacked by scurvy The Ladrones reached, so-called from thievish natives Some natives killed Island of Good Signs Arrive at the Philippines Natives friendly Anchor off the Island of Mazaqua The Rajah Colamba The Admiral plants a banner with a cross, and invites the natives to worship it Two officers dine with the Rajah, who gets tipsy The ships sail The Rajah accompanies them Reach Zebut Tribute demanded by the Rajah Refused How Magalhaens converted the Rajah and all his people to the Romish faith.

The Admiral set out with fifty of his men thus caparisoned, accompanied by his ally, the Rajah of Zebut, whose services, however, he declined, bidding him wait in his boats to witness the fight and the certain defeat of their foes.

What ultimately became of him was never known. Many years afterwards, it was reported that eight Spaniards had been sold as slaves by the Rajah of Zebut to the Chinese. The two ships, now commanded by Carvalho, proceeded on their way to the Moluccas.

The next day the two Rajahs of Mazagua and Zebut came on board, when, after some conferences had been held, the Admiral persuaded them to embrace the Christian faith. This they forthwith did, being baptised, together with several of the ladies of their families. The Rajah of Zebut received the name of Carlos, after the Emperor, and his son that of Fernando.

This done, the ships again sailed, accompanied by the Rajah in his big canoe; but she being unable to keep up with the squadron, he and his people were taken on board, and after passing by several other islands, the ships arrived on the 7th of April, about noon, at Zebut, the principal port of the Philippine Islands.

The envoy also expressed the high consideration in which the King of Spain, the greatest monarch on the earth, and his Captain-General Magalhaens, held the Rajah of Zebut, adding that the ships had come, on their way to the Moluccas, to obtain provisions and articles of merchandise.

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