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Updated: August 28, 2024

There was a slight jarring though the whole frame of the coach, a grinding and hissing from the brakes, and then a sudden jolt as the vehicle ran upon and recoiled from the taut pole-straps of the now arrested horses. The murmur of a voice in the road was heard, followed by the impatient accents of Yuba Bill, the driver. "Wha-a-t? Speak up, can't ye?"

It's at a moment when he's turned jack an' I figgers he'll be more soft an' leenient. "It's to be a evenin' of friendly peace?" ""An' why not?" says Yuba. "I've shore took all the skelps that's comin' to me; an' as for you-all, you're young an' my counsel is to never begin. That pooerile spat we has don't count.

That's wot's the matter, old man, and jist about wot I kalkilated on from those durned old improvements o' yours." Coloring a little at this new count in the general indictment against the uselessness of the "Half-way House," Jeff asked if there were "any passengers?" Yuba Bill indicated the meek stranger with a jerk of his thumb. "And his wife and darter in the coach.

It found them in politics. For Ridgway was already dominating the politics of Yuba County, displaying an amazing acumen and a surprising ability as a stumpspeaker. He posed as a friend of the people, an enemy of the trust. He declared an eight-hour day for his own miners, and called upon the Consolidated to do the same.

Ef this ain't the richest thing out! They say there's two more relations o' Spindler's on the coach, come down as express freight, consigned, d'ye hear? consigned to Spindler!" "Stiffs, in coffins?" suggested an eager voice. "I didn't get to hear more. But here they are." There was the sudden irruption of a laughing, curious crowd into the bar-room, led by Yuba Bill, the driver.

"Hello, be you Miggles?" said Yuba Bill to the solitary occupant. The figure neither spoke nor stirred. Yuba Bill walked wrathfully toward it, and turned the eye of his coach lantern upon its face. It was a man's face, prematurely old and wrinkled, with very large eyes, in which there was that expression of perfectly gratuitous solemnity which I had sometimes seen in an owl's.

When we-all is assembled, Boone makes a wailin' request for his six-shooter. ""Get his," I says, at the same time, animadvertin' at Yuba with the muzzle. "'Yuba passes his weepons over the bar an' I follows suit with Boone's. Then we drinks with our eyes on each other in silent scorn. ""Which we-all will see about this later, growls Yuba, as he leaves the bar.

I have spoken of Moore's Flat, Orleans Flat and Woolsey's Flat, all similarly situated on different points of the mountain, on the north side of the ridge between the South and Middle Yuba River, and all at about the same altitude. A very deep cañon lies between each of them, but a good mountain road was built around the head of each cañon, connecting the towns.

Nothing more." Yuba Bill slowly descended. When he reached the ground, he plucked Thatcher aside by his coat sleeve: "Ye don't mean to say ye had nothing in that bag ye was trying to get away with?" "No," said the laughing Thatcher frankly. "And that Wiles warn't one o' them detectives?" "Not to my knowledge, certainly."

"'It's about second drink time in the afternoon when, havin' donned my weepons, I rides into Tucson. After leavin' my pony at the corral, I turns into the main street. It's scorchin' hot an' barrin' a dead burro thar's hardly anybody in sight. Up in front of the Oriental, as luck has it, stands Yuba and a party of doobious morals who slays hay for the gov'ment, an' is addressed as Lon Gilette.

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