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Updated: August 23, 2024

"Whoy, measter Draa did pratty nigh drink 't out yance that noight 'at eight chaps, measter Frank, drank oop two baskets o' champagne, and fifteen bottles o' 't breawn sherry Ay carried six on 'em to bed, Ay'se warrant it and yan o' them, young measter Clark, he spoilt me a new suit o' liveries, wi' vomiting a top on me."

The old man looked round at the clouds and the mountains; at the powdering of snow that had already whitened the heights. "It'll be more'n a bit!" he said cautiously. "I dessay we'll have to be gettin' men to open t' roads to-morrow." "Does it often block the roads?" "Aye, yance or twice i' t' winter. An' ye can't let 'em bide. What's ter happen ter foak as want the doctor?"

'What are witches? demanded Louie, scornfully. 'I doan't bleeve in 'em. Reuben frowned a little. 'Theer wor witches yance, my gell, becos it's in th' Bible, an whativer's in th' Bible's true, and the farmer brought his hand down on the top bar of the gate. 'I'm no gien ony judgment about 'em nowadays. Theer wor aw mak o' queer things said about Jenny Crum an Needham Farm i' th' owd days.

"On the table," said one of them, and they deposited him there among the litter of his unprofitable books and papers. "Yance thinks a lot of a pair of deuces when he's liquored up," sighed the sheriff reflectively. "Too much," said the gay attorney. "A man has no business to play poker who drinks as much as he does. I wonder how much he dropped to-night." "Close to two hundred.

'Ay, yo'd better luke at her close, said Hannah, grimly, giving her niece a violent shake as she spoke; 'I wor set yo should just see her fur yance at her antics. Yo say soomtimes I'm hard on her.

And that puts me in mind that I ought to have turned Rufe out of the lockup before yesterday. The thirty days he got for killin' Yance Goodloe was up then. A day or two more won't hurt Rufe any, though. "'Shucks, now, says I, in the mountain idiom, 'don't tell me there's a man in Mount Nebo as bad as that. "'Worse, says the storekeeper. 'He steals hogs. "I think I will look up this Mr.

"I mind hearing my father say that yan hard winter after a wet back end o' year, they let peat run doon t' fell. What has been done yance can be done again." Kit said nothing; for the other, by using a favorite motto, had banished his companions' dislike of novelties. "It was deeun no' so long sin'," another remarked.

In the middle the girls tried to escape into the parlour. But she shouted imperiously after them. "Polly Laura what art tha aboot? Coom back at yance. I'll not ha sickly foak sittin wi'oot a fire!" They came back sheepishly.

What I wonder is whar he got it. Yance ain't had a cent fur over a month, I know." "Struck a client, maybe. Well, let's get home before daylight. He'll be all right when he wakes up, except for a sort of beehive about the cranium." The gang slipped away through the early morning twilight. The next eye to gaze upon the miserable Goree was the orb of day.

"Ye wad mak a swine laugh, ye wad," she said. Then, coming closer to where her son now stood with a "lash" comb in his hand before a scratched and faded mirror, she said under her breath, "There'll be no rest for him till summat's done, none; tak my word for that. But yance they hang some riff-raff for him it will soon be forgotten. Then all will be as dead as hissel', back and end.

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