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Updated: August 22, 2024

Miss Armitage of?" "San Francisco." "Of San Francisco; and visiting the Morgansteins, of course. But going on now alone to meet the friends who are expecting you am I right? at North Yakima." There was a brief silence, and she moved a little in her chair. "Where I am going now," she said, and looked at him once more across the invisible barrier, "is another story." "I beg your pardon."

O. A. Fechter of North Yakima, Washington, U.S.A., was sent to my husband by an old friend, Mrs. Bartlett, wife of the Rev. H. M. Bartlett, rector of the church in the same place. He liked it and returned it at once, begging that the other articles, which had appeared in the Deutsche Rundschau, though not yet published as a book, might be translated.

He was drawing a coil of new rope from under the seat. "This is luck! Lighter must have meant to picket his horses. Did I tell you he was starting to drive these bays through to the fair at North Yakima? And here is a hatchet he expected to cut fire-wood and this looks like his lunch-box. Yes," and he lifted the lid to glance in "here are biscuits, sliced ham, all we need.

At daylight we advanced against them, two or three companies of infantry moving forward to drive them from the summit, while our main column passed through the canon into the upper Yakima Valley led by my dragoons, who were not allowed to charge into the gorge, as the celerity of such a movement might cause the tactical combination to fail.

The moment I arrived at the top my guide Donald Mc Kay who knew perfectly the whole Yakima range, discovered Nesmith's mistake. Word was sent to bring him back, but as he had already nearly crossed the plateau, considerable delay occurred before he returned. When he arrived we began anew the work of breaking a road for the foot troops behind us, my detachment now in advance.

Jones, a farmer from the Yakima Valley, told that business men, housewives, professional men, and high-school boys and girls would help to save the crop of Washington to the nation in case of labor trouble. Steps already had been taken to mobilize workers in stores, offices, and homes for work in the orchards and grain-fields, should the I.W.W. situation seriously threaten harvests.

After the encounter which I just now referred to, the command, which had halted to learn the results of my chase, resumed its march to and through the Klikitat canon, and into the lower Yakima Valley, in the direction of the Yakima River.

We had met on the Yakima River, at the place where the old trail crosses that river near the site of the present flourishing city of North Yakima. In this party were some of the people who next year lost their lives in the White River massacre. They were Harvey H. Jones, his wife, and three children, and George E. King, his wife, and one child.

Took the prize at North Yakima last year for three-year-olds. They're too fly for livery work, but if you can drive, and Lighter likes your looks" the station master gave Tisdale a careful scrutiny "and you have his price, I shouldn't wonder if you could hire Nip and Tuck." Tisdale laughed. "I see. If I can't hire them, I may be allowed the privilege to buy them.

They came into North Yakima at breakfast time, and found the house of Mr. Kloh, a neat, bare, drab frame box, with tight small front and back yards. Dlorus was awake, and when she wasn't yawning, she was enjoying being hysterical. "Miss Boltwood," she whined, "you go in and jolly him up." Milt begged, "Better let me do it, Claire." They looked squarely at each other.

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