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Updated: August 25, 2024

And the Maid washt then her torn garments that did be in the bundle, and had gotten soiled by the slime of the dark part of the Gorge. And she put these to dry, and afterward washed mine armour and the scrip and the pouch and the cloak-hold, and all such matters of our gear; and so to be presently done.

And she would nowise wear the garment; but yet in the end I prevailed by gentle reasonings and because that I was her master, as I was born to be; and moreover, her own sweet sense did show that I spoke for wisdom; for how should she come through all the bitter way before, if that she had not a strong and close-made garment; and as you do mind, her coverings did be in utter rags, as I have told; yet very sweet and clean, as I had known; so that I ween she had stript oft in the lonesome night, and washt her garments in this or that hot spring of the sulphur waters and other matters.

And she took first my body-vest, and washt it very quick and clever in the pool, and afterward came over by me, and spread it upon the hot flat rock anigh to the fire-hole.

O aloe-flower upon her brow! Of what strange birth-pangs breathest thou, The while we gaze with dreamy eyes Back o'er a sea of memories, And see thy seed of foreign skies Here washt, to spring beneath our sun And ripen till its bloom is won! What storms have rocked thy stem aslant, O changeful-nurtured Century-Plant! Whose living flower now opens bland Its kindly promise o'er the land! With blood and tears 'twas watered, The bud whose blossom now is spread A floral cap her head upon, Who,

Now, when that we wakened on our fourteenth day upon the Island, we gat to work, so soon as we had washt and eat and drunk, and Mine Own to see how my scars did go. And I cut seven more trees that day, which made thirteen in all; and afterward I trimmed the trees very nice.

Leomedon Heaven's dire resentments felt, And Telephus's blood washt out his guilt. We cannot from the wrathful godhead run Crafty Ulysses cou'd not Neptune shun. Provokt Priapus o're the land and sea, Has left his Hellespont to follow me."

And we then to join in the plaiting, and thus with happy talk and our times of eating, until that we did be come again to our slumber. And on the fifteenth day, when that we had gotten up and washt and eat and drank, the Maid did look unto my bandages; and did consider that I be healed very good, if but that I not to overstrain my body.

And the way I washt, was that I dipt my head-piece into the hot pool, and poured the water over me, and rubbed my body very strong with my hands; and there to be, surely, some certain chemical in the water that aided mine efforts; for the water went very smooth under my hands.

And she washt the second body-vest, and set it to dry by the first; and afterward did likewise with all my garments, and came then to the washing of her own. And lo! as she spread it also to the drying, there came to mine heart that the Maid did have only this one rough and thick garment, that did be the armour-suit, as I have told.

And when I was done, I washt my pocket-cloth very speedy in the pool, and wrung it, and did then wipe my body so dry as I should; and afterward I wrung the cloth again, and set it about my loins, and so to be as proper as I might.

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