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Updated: August 28, 2024

Among the occasions when Ours have gone to make excursions into the country, and to despoil the enemy of his former possessions, there is one which Father Mateo Sanchez describes in a letter to the father vice-provincial, as follows: "The voyage of the fathers who were sailing for Ogmuc and Sebu proved to be unfortunate; for they suffered many hardships through contrary winds, being finally driven into a small bay, where they remained as long as their provisions lasted.

But when he was nominated both rector and vice-provincial, confounded at the mention of those dignities, he said aloud, "That he was not endued with the spirit of government." He was ready to die of shame, when he saw the saint upon his knees before him; and, with great precipitation, fell also on his knees, and humbly begged of him, with tears in his eyes, that he would consider his infirmities.

The sacred corpse remained thus without honour, till the month of August, when Father John Beyra came from Goa, in his return to the Moluccas, with two companions whom Gaspar Barzæus, the vice-provincial, had given him, pursuant to the orders of Father Xavier.

Why the vice-provincial allowed merchants of his nation to buy Japanese and make slaves of them in the Indies? To these queries Coelho, the vice-provincial, made answer that the missionaries had never themselves resorted, or incited, to violence in their propagandism, or persecuted bonzes; that if their eating of beef was considered inadvisable, they would give up the practice, and that they were powerless to prevent or restrain the outrages perpetrated by their countrymen.

Father Caspar Barzæus was already dead, and Father Melchior Nugnez declared his successor in his two offices, of rector of the college, and vice-provincial of the Indies, in virtue of the letter which Father Xavier had left sealed behind him when he went for China, and which was opened after the death of Gaspar, according to the orders of Xavier himself.

He had made his first visit to America with Father de Held in 1845, but remained only a few months to acquire information and gain impressions for a report to the Rector Major. He made a second voyage in January, 1849, acting as superior of the American houses, as Vice-provincial, and remained about eighteen months.

Finally the vice-provincial and another father went, because I excused myself from going in company with the other orders. With them went Don Fray Juan Duran, a religious of the Order of Mercy and bishop of Sinopolis; it was he who in the name of all the orders made the address, setting forth the serious difficulties that must ensue in spiritual and temporal affairs.

The most difficult thing was to subdue the Jesuits. A bishop who was a great friend of ours charged himself with this task, and easily persuaded the vice-provincial and the consultors; but I always have been of opinion that we ought to pursue an even course for I immediately saw the trick, and that he was setting a trap for us, as actually happened.

Father Ramon de Prado, who was still our vice-provincial, determined, upon learning this, to instruct them by means of signs, believing that Divine Mercy desires that we should all be saved, and denies His grace to no one.

Numerous conversions and numerous returns of apostates took place everywhere. While this enthusiasm was at its height, Navarette, vice-provincial of the Dominicans, and Ayala, vice-provincial of the Augustins, emerged from hiding, and robed in their full canonicals, commenced an open propaganda, heralding their approach by a letter addressed to Omura and couched in the most defiant terms.

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