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Updated: August 15, 2024

He said that Charles Capet had given Simon an account of the journey to Varennes, and mentioned La Fayette and Bailly as having cooperated in it. He then added that this boy was addicted to odious and very premature vices for his age; that he had been surprised by Simon, who, on questioning him, learned that he derived from his mother the vices in which he indulged.

The Queen began to feel all the agonies of terror; they were augmented by the voice of a person unknown, who, passing close to the carriage in full gallop, cried out, bending towards the window without slackening his speed, "You are recognised!" They arrived with beating hearts at the gates of Varennes without meeting one of the horsemen by whom they were to have been escorted into the place.

Here have slept many noteworthy personages, Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette when on their return from Varennes, June 24th, 1791, Napoleon in 1814, Charles X. in 1828, later, General Moltke in 1870, who said upon that occasion, "In three days, or a week at most, we shall be in Paris;" not counting on the possibilities of a siege.

Joseph, the pride of La Ferte." Across the river between the broken spans of the bridge, my eye fell upon the gutted remains of what had once been a most exquisite bit of eighteenth century architecture. The mansion which had sheltered Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette on their eventful return from Varennes, was now a smoking pile of ashes! "And to think we had to do it!

It is impossible not to believe this, since the despatch of the diamonds was the subject of a second accusation which the Queen heard of after the return from Varennes.

Alarmed at this further corroboration of Cecile's story of treachery Varennes left the military at Caron's house, with orders not to allow the Deputy to again depart if in the meantime he should happen to return, whilst to every barrier of Paris he sent instructions to have La Boulaye detained if he should present himself.

"To supplement it?" "Yes. The truth is," Varennes continued, looking at me doubtfully, "the King has information which leads him to suppose that she may be here." "She may be anywhere," I answered in a tone that closed his mouth, "but she is not here. And you may tell the King so from me!"

The royal family wished to enjoy it, and to let Madame and the dauphin profit by it; for these two infants knew nothing of the people save their fury; they had alone seen the nation through the bayonets of the 6th of October, the rags of the émeute, of the dust of the return from Varennes; the king wished they should now see them in a state of tranquillity and affection for him, for he taught his son to love the people, and not to avenge their offences towards him.

"And our engagements with our cousin of Austria?" said the Queen, after an instant's silence, "for I will not conceal from you, Monsieur, that since Varennes I have no hope save in our allies." "Were it not better that you should depend for your safety on your own subjects, Madame?" asked Calvert.

But they lost their way in the dark, and floundered about in fields and lanes, stumbling over fences, before they found the direction in which they should go to Varennes. The rest of the dragoons at Clermont, all but two, struck their swords into the scabbard when ordered to draw, and declared for the people, instead of the king.

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