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Updated: August 23, 2024

J.F. Meckel observed in a patient, whose urine was in small quantity and high coloured, that a copious sweat under the arm-pits, of a perfectly urinous smell, stained the linen; which ceased again when the usual quantity of urine was discharged by the urethra.

It may be of some Use towards the discovery of the nature of these Changes, which the Alimental Juice receives in some Vegetables, according to the differing degrees of their Maturity, and according to the differing kinds of Plants of the same Denomination, to observe what Operation Acid, Urinous, and Alcalizate Salts will have upon the Juices of the several sorts of the Vegetable substances I have been mentioning.

To declare my meaning by an Example, I took from the same Cluster, one Blackberry full Ripe, and another that had not yet gone beyond a Redness, and rubbing apiece of white Paper, with the former, I observ'd, that the Juice adhering to it was of adark Reddish Colour, full of little Black Specks; and that this Juice by a drop of a strong Lixivium, was immediately turn'd into a Greenish Colour deep enough, by as much Urinous Spirit into a Colour much of Kin to the former, though somewhat differing, and fainter; and by a drop of Spirit of Salt into a fine and lightsome Red: where as the Red Berry being in like manner rubb'd upon Paper, left on it a Red Colour, which was very little alter'd by the Acid Spirit newly nam'd, and by the Urinous and Lixiviate Salts receiv'd changes of Colour differing from those that had been just before produc'd in the dark Juice of the Ripe Blackberry.

And yet lately by the help of this Urinous Spirit we made a Blew Liquor, which not a few Ingenious Persons, and among them, some, whose Profession makes them very Conversant with Colours, have looked upon with some wonder.

After death everyone comes to know in the spiritual world what the uncleannesses are which titillate the body's fibers in such persons and comes to know the nature of them. In general they are things cadaverous, excrementitious, filthy, malodorous, and urinous; for their hells teem with such uncleannesses. After one has entered hell, however, these filthy delights are turned into wretchedness.

And to confirm that for which I allege the former Experiment, I shall add this other, that having made a very strong and high-colour'd Solution of Filings of Copper with Spirit of Urine, though the Menstruum seem'd Glutted with the Metall, because I put in so much Filings that many of them remain'd for divers days Undissolv'd at the Bottom, yet having put three or four Drops of Syrrup of Violets upon White Paper, I found that the deep Blew Solution proportionably mingl'd with this other Blew Liquor did not make a Blew mixture, but, as I expected, a fair Green, upon the account of the Urinous Salt that was in the Menstruum.

And to vary the Experiment a little, I try'd, that if into a Glass of Rhenish Wine made Green by this Essence, I dropp'd an Alcalizate Solution, or Urinous Spirit, the Wine would presently grow Turbid, and of an odd Dirty Colour; But if instead of dissolving the Essence in Wine, I dissolv'd it in fair Water sharpen'd perhaps with a little Spirit of Salt, then either the Urinous Spirit of Sal Armoniack, or the solution of the fix'd Salt of Pot-ashes would immediately turn it of a Yellowish Colour, the fix'd or Urinous Salt Precipitating the Vitriolate substance contain'd in the Essence.

Dead breaths I living breathe, tread dead dust, devour a urinous offal from all dead. Hauled stark over the gunwale he breathes upward the stench of his green grave, his leprous nosehole snoring to the sun. A seachange this, brown eyes saltblue. Seadeath, mildest of all deaths known to man. Old Father Ocean. Prix de paris: beware of imitations. Just you give it a fair trial.

Those hells are therefore named accordingly; some are called cadaverous, some stercoraceous, some urinous, and so on. But all these hells are covered over, that those vapors may not escape from them. For when they are opened a very little, which happens when novitiate devils enter, they excite vomiting and cause headache, and such as are also poisonous induce fainting.

The things that correspond to evil uses, that is, to hurtful plants and noxious animals, are cadaverous, putrid, excrementitious, stercoraceous, rancid, and urinous matters; consequently, in places where these are, such herbs and such animalcules spring forth as are mentioned above; and in the torrid zone, like things of larger size, as serpents, basilisks, crocodiles, scorpions, rats, and so forth.

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