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Updated: August 24, 2024

The word came with smothered indistinctness, but its meaning was unmistakable. "What, nothing?" David raised his head and caught hold of Mother's hand. He had grown very red in the face. "Then what about the picture?" she asked, giving no heed to his embarrassment. "Where did you get that?" Both of David's fists were now clinging fast to the woman's hand. "Mother," he said, "I just tooked it."

"Ye ought to have rolled up yer pants and tooked off yer shoes and stockin's afore ye jumped, Mah'sr Harry," said the woman. "I wish I had taken off my shoes," said Harry. The woman at whose cabin Harry found himself was Charity Allen, and a good, sensible woman she was.

But in that ways he was only wan o' many; and after he was dead 't happened just as 't ole chap had said it wud, for he used to say, 'When I'm tooked folks 'ull get up a talk that ole Zeke Spry killed hisself with drink; but don't you listen to it, he says, ''cos 'tain't nothin' o' the sort: he died for want o' breath that's what killed he; and I reckon he was about right, else there wudn't be nobody left to die in Polperro."

He tooked from me my boy, my Jan; ah, you knows the story of my Jan, don't 'ee, my dear?" she added turning to Elsie.

Munday her feelings of outraged virtue exaggerating perhaps her real sentiments. "What are you doing?" "Go away. I'se looking at myself," had explained Joan, struggling furiously to regain the glass. "But where are your clothes?" was Mrs. Munday's wonder. "I'se tooked them off," explained Joan. A piece of information that really, all things considered, seemed unnecessary.

"What did you find there?" "There wasn't no one in them," Dunn answered. "I only wanted to make sure the young lady was telling the truth about there being no servants in the house to sleep." "Did you look in all the attics, then?" asked Deede Dawson. "Yes," answered Dunn. "'There was one as was locked, but I tooked the liberty of forcing it just to make sure. I ain't done no harm to speak of."

"Here I is," answered a little voice, as Dan put Teddy into her arms, adding, as she hugged him close, "My Danny tooked tare of me all day, and I was dood." Mrs. Jo turned to thank the faithful nurse, but Dan was waving off the boys, who had gathered in the hall to meet her, and was saying, in a low voice, "Keep back; she don't want to be bothered with us now." "No, don't keep back.

"Here let me read the names to you. William Hopkins of the toggery shop, one hundred dollars. Do you know him?" Tess shook her head in the negative. "Deacon Hall and his wife Augusta gave one hundred dollars." "I know her," Tess cried, "and I knows him a little, too. I tooked them berries and fish they has a cottage below the ragged rocks." "And there's the druggist, Mr.

"Oh, dear me!" "Mother, I knocked it down. It broke. I tooked it." A sudden silence had got hold of the room. The little boy's head sank once more into Mother's lap and he shook with silent sobs. A moist warmth went through her skirt and was felt upon her knee. "This is hard on the Doctor," she said, and her voice was firm, but her hand gently stroked her little boy's hair.

I've just been fixing him up comfortably, and he'll be all right after a bit, but he's got to lie very still right where he is and be taken care of." "We kids'll take care o' Mikky!" said Buck proudly. "He tooked care of Jinney when she was sick, an' we'll take care o' Mikky, all right, all right. You jes' brang him out an' we'll fetch a wheelbarry an' cart him off'n yer han's.

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