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Updated: August 11, 2024

"I suppose so," replied Steve with a groan. "I wish practice was in Halifax, though. I'm tired to-day." He got up from his bed, on which he had been lying in defiance of the rules, and stretched himself with a yawn. "You'll be tireder when the first gets through with us," said Tom grimly.

"An' how is hit with ye?" she asked, facing Fortner, with her large gray eyes eloquent with solicitude. "O, ez fur me, I'm jes ez sound ez when I left heah last week, 'cept thet I'm tireder 'n a plow mule at night, an' hongrier nor a b'ar thet's lived all Winter by suckin' hits paws."

An' the conductor that was what the first man was called said he didn't reckon I'd take up much room, an' that the road was so dog-goned tired that one more couldn't make it any tireder, an' the soldier made me sit down on one of the benches, an' the train started." She shut her eyes tightly. "I don't like train travel. I like to go slower " "But it brought you to Richmond "

I'm jes' tireder an' dryer 'n if I'd been tailin' down beef steers all day. My ol' tongue's been a-floppin' till thar ain't nary 'nother flop left in her 'nless I could git to ile her up with a swaller o' red-eye, an " regretfully "I reckon thar ain't no sort o' chanst o' that." "Thar ain't, hey?" replied Shang, producing a big jug from the brush near by.

"Does she know anything about about her father?" he asked. The colonel smiled. "Why, no unless you've told her." "I'm not on those terms," said Pinto savagely. "I'm getting tired of that girl's airs and graces, colonel, after what we've done for her!" "You'll get tireder, Pinto," said a voice from the end of the table and he turned round to meet the laughing eyes of Lollie Marsh.

Meta's hands were skillful and cool as she sponged the blood away from his forehead and sprayed it with some pleasantly cold, mint-smelling antiseptic. Bart leaned back, tireder than he knew, half-closing his eyes. "That hail must have been enormous; we heard it through the hull. Whatever possessed you to go out into it?" "It wasn't hailing when we left," Bart said wearily.

I want to bustle round in heaven the same as here. And I hope there'll be a celestial substitute for pies and doughnuts something that has to be MADE. Of course, one does get awful tired at times and the older you are the tireder you get. But the very tiredest could get rested in something short of eternity, you'd think except, perhaps, a lazy man."

"I didn't ask you to come; you asked me; so it isn't my fault," said Ben, rather gruffly, as people crowded by without pausing to hear the comic song the clown was singing in spite of the confusion. "Oh, I'm so tired," groaned Bab, getting up with a long stretch of arms and legs. "You'll be tireder before you get home, I guess.

Starting out so clearly at first and everything being so perfect and then the last four months and both getting tireder and tireder and all the useless little misunderstandings that made you wonder how could you if you really cared. And now this.

If I cared for Mr. Sutcliffe I wouldn't mind his growing tired and old. The tireder and older he was the more I'd care." Somehow you couldn't imagine Lindley Vickers growing old and tired. She gave him back the books: Ribot's Heredity and Maudsley's Physiology and Pathology of Mind. He held them in his long, thin hands, reading the titles.

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