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Updated: August 17, 2024

It iss not every day we will be givin' thiss goot people a blow-out, an' it iss a matter of great importance, to my thinking, that first impressions should be good ones. It iss the duty of a new broom to sweep clean. If it continues, goot and well, but if it does not begin that way it iss not likely to come to it, whatever. There iss far more than people think in sentiment.

Davis, who was also suffering from the stiff grandeur of his surroundings, nodded. "P'r'aps you'd better start, in case she reckernizes my voice," he said, slowly. "Pitch it in strong about me and 'ow I was always wondering what had 'appened to her." "You're in luck, that's wot you are," said his friend, enviously. "I've only seen furniture like thiss in shop windows before. H'sh! Here she comes."

"You fool, thiss wass business, business, business, the meaning, the motive of my whole life, and if you think I give way at the threat of a rope you don't know Hugo Van Diest. My heart, my whole soul, I haf invest in this enterprise and I don't leave it. I don't move one inch till I haf what I want." "Money?" thundered Mr. Torrington. "Pounds, my friend, shillings and pence." "And men's lives."

That must have surprised you very much. After cherishing the belief that he was snugly accommodated at Laurence's house." Van Diest acknowledged this thrust gracefully. "A clever idea thiss substitute a nice fellow too vonderful determination." "Hm! Careless of you to lose him." "Mislay, my friend. I do not know thiss verb to lose." "So you come to me for instruction?

Davis, who was also suffering from the stiff grandeur of his surroundings, nodded. "P'r'aps you'd better start, in case she reckernizes my voice," he said, slowly. "Pitch it in strong about me and 'ow I was always wondering what had 'appened to her." "You're in luck, that's wot you are," said his friend, enviously. "I've only seen furniture like thiss in shop windows before. H'sh! Here she comes."

At length the Lament was finished and Cameron came forward into the light. "Ah! That iss good for the soul," said old piper Sutherland. "Do you know what your pipes have been saying to me in yon Lament? 'Yea, though I walk through Death's dark vale, Yet will I fear none ill; For Thou art with me, and Thy rod And staff me comfort still. And we have been in the valley thiss day."

Nae!" said the young man hurriedly, "it's no' thiss. That is, it's no' mine noo." "Won't you come in?" suggested the consul politely, holding open the door. The young man entered the room with the quick strides but the mechanical purposelessness of embarrassment. Then he stiffened and stood erect.

Thiss iss not the day for saying anything about it. We will wait a wee and to-day we will just be thankful." And with that they turned to other things. They were still in the dressing tent when the secretary thrust his cheery face under the flap. "I say, boys! Are you ready? Cameron, we want you on the pipes." "Harp!" said Mack. "I am going home. I am quite useless." "And me, too," said Cameron.

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