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Updated: August 16, 2024

And there is the welle, of the whiche Holy Writt spekethe offe, and seythe, Fons ortorum, et puteus aquarum viventium: that is to seye, The welle of gardyns, and the dyche of lyvynge watres. In this cytee of Thire, seyde the woman to oure Lord, Beatus venter qui te portavit, et ubera quae succisti: that is to seye, Blessed be the body that she baar, and the pappes that thou sowkedest.

I wish he may not be brought to venture sow far, upon the stress laid upon a suden blow, to be done by the English; we will see if the Month of May or June will produce something more effective than Novr., and I am sorry to aquent you that the sow great stress laid upon those projects is lick to prove fatal to some, for Lochgary, and Doctor Archibald Cameron, were sent to the Highlands to prepair the Clans to be in readiness: thire beeing sent was much against my opinion, as I allways ensisted, and will allways persist, that no stirr should be done there untill the English would be so farr engaged that they could not draw back.

"What grounds have you for assuming that this so-called second world is not contained in the first?" "They are contradictory. A natural man lives for himself; a lover lives for others." "It may be so. It's rather mystical. But go on who is Thire?" "Length and breadth together without depth give flatness. Life and love without feeling produce shallow, superficial natures.

"Is there no such thing as pure Thire-matter?" "Thire cannot exist without Amfuse, and Amfuse cannot exist without Faceny." Maskull thought this over for some minutes. "That must be so," he said at last. "Without life there can be no love, and without love there can be no religious feeling."

"You must," replied Maskull. "You have always served the highest, and you must continue to do so. It has simply turned out that Thire is not the highest." Corpang's face became swollen with a kind of coarse anger. "Life is clearly false I have been seeking Thire for a lifetime, and now I find this." "You have nothing to reproach yourself with.

That made him warse nor ever. Owd Thwittler whisper'd to him, 'Thire, Dick; thae's shapt that nicely! Give it another twirl, owd bird! Well, Dick sweat, an' futter't about till he swapped th' barrel again. An' then he looked round th' singin'-pew, as helpless as a kittlin'; an' he said to th' singers, 'Whatever mun aw do, folk? an' tears coom into his e'en. 'Roll it o'er, said Thwittler.

"Although I was not born here," proceeded Corpang, "I've lived here for twenty-five years, and during all that time I have been drawing nearer to Thire, as I hope. But there is this peculiarity about it the first stages are richer in fruit and more promising than the later ones. The longer a man seeks Thire, the more he seems to absent himself.

"Because its living will contains the element of Thire." "Why are we stopping here?" Corpang broke off the tip of one of the aerial roots of a tree, and proffered it to him. "Eat this, Maskull." "For food, or something else?" "Food for body and soul." Maskull bit into the root. It was white and hard; its white sap was bleeding.

"What fastens you to this gloomy world?" "The search for Thire." "Then it's still a search?" "Let us walk on." As they resumed their journey across the dim, gradually rising plain, the conversation became even more earnest in character than before.

Feeling is the need of men to stretch out toward their creator." "You mean prayer and worship?" "I mean intimacy with Thire. This feeling is not to be found in either the first or second world, therefore it is a third world. Just as depth is the line between object and subject, feeling is the line between Thire and man." "But what is Thire himself?" "Thire is the afterworld."

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