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Updated: August 17, 2024

The men you make so meane, so slight account of, And in your angers prise, not in your honours, Are Princes, powerfull Princes, mightie Princes; That daylie feed more men of your great fashion And noble ranck, pay and maintaine their fortunes, Then any monarch Europe has: and for this bountie, If ye consider truly, Gentlemen, And honestly, with thankfull harts remember, You are to pay them back againe your service: They are your masters, your best masters, noblest, Those that protect your states, hold up your fortunes; And for this good you are to sacrifize Your thancks and duties, not your threats and angers.

My thancks Poyzd equally with those faire services I have done the States, I should walk confidently Upon this high-straind danger. O, this end swayes me, A heavy bad opinion is fixt here That pulls me of; and I must downe for ever. Enter Daughter Daught. Sir, will it please ye Bar. Ha! Daught. Will it please ye, Sir Bar.

From the Elector Palatine of Brandenburge, To doe him faire and acceptable offices: I did so; a rich iewell and a chaine he sent me. The Count of Solems, and this from his faire Countess About compounding of a busines: I did it and I had their thancks.

All thancks, kind frends, that a sad house can give ye Pray you receive; for I rest well assurd, Though theis sports are unseasonable here, They testifie your loves; and, if my Lord Ere live to be himself againe, I know He will remember it. 1 Burg. Now for the Daunce, Boyes. Wife. Ther's something for your paines: drinck it, I pray. 2 Burg. To a doyt, my vroa, to thy Lords health and thyne.

His stile of Excellencie was my guift; Money, the strength and fortune of the war, The help of England and the aide of Fraance, I only can call mine: and shall I then, Now in the sun-set of my daie of honour, When I should passe with glory to my rest And raise my Monument from my Cuntries praises, Sitt downe and with a boorish patience suffer The harvest that I labourd for to be Anothers spoile? the peoples thancks and praises, Which should make faire way for me to my grave, To have another object? the choice fruites Of my deepe projects grace anothers Banquet?

Vand. May it please your Highnes in the names of all To make their Lordships answeare. Or. Willingly; For I must still be glad to take occasion To speak how much your Lordships and myself Ever stand bound to that most Christian King Whose favours, with all thancks, we must acknowledge As with all care preserve.

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