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Updated: August 9, 2024

I here set down, in haste and with an intensely agitated pen, the shocking events of which I have been the plaything for some days past. This time it is all up with the Territoriale and all my ambitious dreams. Protests, levies, police-raids, all our books in the custody of the examining magistrate, the Governor a fugitive, our director Bois-l'Héry at Mazas, our director Monpavon disappeared.

De Géry had drawn up a long detailed list of those impudent frauds, with proofs in support of his allegations; but he commended especially to Jansoulet's attention the matter of the Caisse Territoriale, as the really dangerous element in his situation. In the other matters money alone was at risk; in this, honor was involved.

Theoretically there are twelve of us at the Caisse Territoriale, including the Governor and the dandy Moëssard, manager of the Vérité Financière; but really there are less than half that number. In the first place, since the Vérité ceased to appear that was two years ago M. Moëssard hasn't once set foot inside our doors.

Nearly four years ago, my wife being dead and my children married, I had just accepted my retiring pension as apparitor to the Faculty, when an advertisement in the newspaper happened to come to my notice. "WANTED, a clerk of mature age at the Caisse Territoriale, 56 Boulevard Malesherbes. Good references." Let me make a confession at once. The modern Babylon had always tempted me.

The Caisse Territoriale is entering upon a new phase of its existence." With that he began to tell us about a superb combinazione that is his favorite word, and he says it in such an insinuating tone! a combinazione in which the famous Nabob of whom all the papers are talking is to have a part.

He even blames himself now for having declined a position at the Caisse Territoriale. Had he the right to decline it? Ah! what a pitiful head of a family, who lacked strength to maintain or to defend the welfare of his dear ones.

He was manager of the Caisse Territoriale of Corsica, a vast financial enterprise, and was present in that house for the first time, brought by Monpavon; he also occupied a place of honor.

But amid the general hue and cry, a single voice arose in his favor, a low, unpractised voice, rather a sympathetic buzzing than speech, in which could be vaguely distinguished the words: "Great services rendered to Corsica. Extensive enterprises. Caisse Territoriale."

How gratefully, with what an eager, pleasant smile, was that single salutation returned, that salutation from a man whom Jansoulet did not know, whom he had never seen, but who, nevertheless, exerted a very great influence upon his destiny; for, except for Père Joyeuse, the president of the council of the Territoriale would probably have shared the fate of the Marquis de Bois-l'Héry.

"You bring me your funds I give you a whole people." The affair is carried by storm. "Bompain! Bompain!" calls the Nabob in his enthusiasm. He has but one fear, that the thing will escape him; and to bind Paganetti, who does not conceal his need of money, he hastens to pour a first instalment into the Caisse Territoriale.

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