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Updated: August 26, 2024

'It is a lie to say that my Lord was making love to Sorais, my sister. 'Pardon me, oh Queen, I answered, 'I said that Sorais was making love to thy lord. 'Spin me no spiders' webs of words. Is not the thing the same thing? The one giveth, the other taketh; but the gift passes, and what matters it which is the most guilty? Sorais! oh, I hate her Sorais is a queen and my sister.

This was more than I could stand. By my bed stood the veldtschoons I had been wearing. Moved quite beyond myself, I took them up and threw them straight at Good's head and hit it. Afterwards I slept the sleep of the just, and a very heavy sleep it must be. As for Good, I don't know if he went to sleep or if he continued to pass Sorais' beauties in mental review, and, what is more, I don't care.

Alphonse here, who has just escaped from Sorais, has overheard it all, and I rapidly repeated to him what the Frenchman had told me. Curtis' face turned deadly pale and his jaw dropped. 'At dawn, he gasped, 'and it is now sunset; it dawns before four and we are nearly a hundred miles off nine hours at the outside. What is to be done? An idea entered into my head.

The fact of the matter, however, was that not only was Good rejoiced about the thing on its own merits but also for personal reasons. He adored Sorais quite as earnestly as Sir Henry adored Nyleptha, and his adoration had not altogether prospered. Indeed, it had seemed to him and to me also that the dark Cleopatra-like queen favoured Curtis in her own curious inscrutable way much more than Good.

All I have to say is that I hope that you may never love a woman with all your heart and then be so sorely tempted of her, and he turned to go. 'Look here, old fellow, said Sir Henry, 'just stop a minute. I have a little tale to tell you too. And he went on to narrate what had taken place on the previous day between Sorais and himself. This was a finishing stroke to poor Good.

And so the people cheered till the roof rang; but Sorais of the Night stood there with downcast eyes, for she could not bear to see her sister's triumph, which robbed her of the man whom she had hoped to win, and in the awfulness of her jealous anger she trembled and turned white like an aspen in the wind.

It was a week after Nyleptha's visit, when I had begun to get about a little in the middle of the day, that a message came to me from Sir Henry to say that Sorais would be brought before them in the Queen's first antechamber at midday, and requesting my attendance if possible.

Then the enforced secrecy of his relation to Nyleptha prevented Curtis from taking some opportunity of putting a stop, or trying to put a stop, to this false condition of affairs, by telling Sorais, in a casual but confidential way, that he was going to marry her sister.

On this point, however, I was soon undeceived, for splitting up her cavalry into comparatively small squadrons, she charged us furiously with them, all along the line, and then once more sullenly rolled her tens of thousands of sword and spearmen down upon our weakened squares and squadrons; Sorais herself directing the movement, as fearless as a lioness heading the main attack.

After the first few days it became clear that we should be able to take the field with about forty thousand infantry and twenty thousand cavalry, a very respectable force considering how short was the time we had to collect it, and that about half the regular army had elected to follow Sorais.

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