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Updated: August 26, 2024

"Madame," said Monsieur Vignevielle, "wad pud you bout so hearly dis morning?" She told him her errand. She asked if he thought she would find any thing. "Yez," he said, "it was possible a few lill' bécassines-de-mer, ou somezin' ligue. But fo' w'y you lill' gal lose doze hapetide?"

Bivins, smiling a dubious little smile that was not without its serious suggestions, "but I tightened up my apern strings, an' flung my glance aroun' tell hit drapped on the battlin'-stick, bekaze I flared up the minnit I seen 'er, an' I says to myse'f, says I: 'If hit's a fracas youer huntin', my lady, I lay you won't hafter put on your specs to fine it. An' then I says to Pud, says I

Caudle; that I'm determined. Puddings, indeed! Pu-dding-s! Pud " "Exhausted nature," says Caudle, "could hold out no longer. She went to sleep." "Now, Mr. Caudle Mr. Caudle, I say: oh: you can't be asleep already, I know now, what I mean to say is this; there's no use, none at all, in our having any disturbance about the matter; but, at last my mind's made up, Mr. Caudle; I shall leave you.

Still, the increase in quantity more than counterbalanced the fall in price. For example: in 1881 the average price of grain per pud was 119, and in 1894 it had sunk to 59; but the amount exported during that time rose from 203 to 617 million puds, and the sum received for it had risen from 242 to 369 millions of roubles.

FOUR ENTREES. Marrow patties; Salmi of pheasants a la financiere; Sweet breads a la Saint Cloud; Mutton cutlets a la Vicomtesse. SECOND COURSE. Woodcocks; Grouse; Mince pies; Plum pud ding. SIX ENTREMETS. Broccoli with Parmesan cheese; Italian creams; Croute a l'Amanas; Salad a la Rachel; Meringues a la Parisienne; Punch jelly. THE form of invitations will be found on page 49.

The cure of her home parish and the physician who attended her in her convent, testified to her recovery. One of the remarkable cures, instantly and publicly effected in presence of all the pilgrims, was that of a young man from Pud de Dome who could walk only with difficulty and with the aid of crutches.

Schultze brought a heavy hand down on the slim shoulder of the expert, and turned to Mr. Latham. "Laadham, you are listening to der man who knows more as all of us pud in a crowd," he declared. "Mein Gott, I do believe he's right!" Mr. Latham was a cold, unimaginative man of business; he hadn't even believed in fairies when he was a boy.

She had evidently seen sorrow and defied it. There was no suggestion of compromise in manner or expression. Even her hospitality was uncompromising. I endeavoured to murmur my thanks to Mrs. Bivins for Mingo's thoughtfulness, but her persistent conversation drowned out such poor phrases as I could hastily frame. "Come 'ere, Pud Hon," continued Mrs.

Now old man, let us 'pud' along; it 's getting late for the chicken," he added, relapsing into the graceful diction with which a classical education gifts its fortunate possessor.

"'Pud Hon, go in the shed-room thar, chile, an' if you hear anybody a-hollerin' an' a-squallin', thes shet your eyeleds an' grit your teeth, bekaze hit'll be your pore ole granny a-tryin' to git even with some er your kin. "An' then I taken a cheer an' sot down by the winder.

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