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Updated: July 31, 2024

Dews, the witty actress, with her white, mobile face, and the large irresponsible eyes which laughed at herself, the critics and the world; Lord Alfred Craydon, thin, high church and political, who loved pretty women but receded farther and farther from marriage as the years spun by; and Lady Twickenham, a French poupee; and Julian Lamberhurst, the composer, who looked as if he had grown up to his six foot four in one night, like the mustard seed; and Hilary Lane, the friend of poets; and how many more!

There was no one in the group who had not been known for a year by posters or photographs: Letty Lind as the Geisha, Arthur Roberts as Dandy Dan. The French Girl and all the officers from The Geisha, the ballet girls from the pantomime, the bareback-riders from The Circus Girl; the Empire costumes and the monks from La Poupee, and all the Chinese and Japanese costumes from The Geisha.

And into the Bobino, its sister music hall of the common people, where the favourite Stradel and the beloved Berthe Delny, "petite poupée jolie," as she so modestly terms herself, bring the grocer and his wife and children and the baker and his wife and children temporarily out of their glasses of Bock to yell their immense approval and clap their hands. I have heard many an audience applaud.

This, however, was not the worst, for as soon as they were all scraped together and set right again, the other Countess's partner attacked Jorrocks most furiously, calling him a sacré-nom de-Dieu'd bête of an Englishman, a mauvais sujet, a cochon, etc., then spitting on the floor the greatest insult a Frenchman can offer he vapoured about being one of the "grand nation," "that he was brave the world knew it," and concluded by thrusting his card "Monsieur Charles Adolphe Eugene, Confiturier, No. 15 bis, Rue Poupée" into Jorrocks's face.

"Good night, Dad," said Jim, as his father left the room. Josephine went to the window. She had rather a stiff, poupee walk. "How is the night?" she said, as if to change the whole feeling in the room. She pushed back the thick grey-silk curtains. "Why?" she exclaimed. "What is that light burning? A red light?" "Oh, that's only the pit-bank on fire," said Robert, who had followed her.

And Josephine, taking the cat out of its basket and kissing its whiskers and the top of its head, was condoling with it on its long restraint: "Quelle barbarie, ma poupée, quelle barbarie, ma douce mignonne," she poutingly babbled. Alexander MacLeod paused to listen to this affectionate motherly discourse; then glanced up at his wife with a smile, to call her attention to it. She had not moved.

I, John Jorrocks, of Great Coram Street, in the County of Middlesex, Member of the Surrey Hunt, in England, and Colonel of the Army when I'm in France, having been grossly insulted by Charles Adolphe Eugene of No. 15 bis, Rue Poupée, confectioner, this day repaired to Passy, with the intention of sarving him out with my fists; but, neither he nor any one for him having come to the scratch, I, John Jorrocks, do hereby proclaim the said Charles Adolphe Eugene to be a shabby fellow and no soldier, and totally unworthy the notice of a fox-hunter and a gentleman sportsman.

And recently I have transcribed some fine Russian things Gretchaninoff's Chant d'Automne, Karagitscheff's Exaltation, Tschaikovsky's Humoresque, Balakirew's Chant du Pechêur, and Poldini's little Poupée valsante, which Maud Powell plays so delightfully on all her programs."

All these things had to do with Miss Maddison's parly, and it was always her party that marked the beginning of them for us; she waited for the fine weather, and so soon as it came the invitations were sent out, the flower-beds were trimmed, the little green wooden seats under the mulberry tree were cleaned, and Poupee, the black poodle, was clipped.

How could I sing when I was convulsed with laughter? "Il faut la remonter," the showman said, with a resigned air, and, turning to the audience, he announced that such a thing had never happened before. "La poupee a ete probablement derangee pendant le voyage." This caused much merriment.

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