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Updated: August 18, 2024

"By the maircy of Gaad we will have 'em!... A maist haarrid and unnaitural craime. I will take 'em with my own haands. Here is one who will help." And he turned to a man who had come up and who looked like a city tradesman. "Lead on, honest fellow, and we will see justice done. 'Tis pairt of the bloody Plaat.... I foresaw it. I warned Sir Edmund, but he flouted me.

This sally occasioned a laugh in the Court, which the Attorney-General seemed to take in great dudgeon. "Master Attorney," said Oates, who always interfered in the management of these law-suits, "this is a plain an absolute giving away of the cause I must needs say it, a mere stoifling of the Plaat."

Oates, whom less provocation than he had that day received often induced to behave like one frantic with passion, threw himself amongst the crowd, and repeated till he was hoarse, "Theay are stoifling the Plaat! theay are straangling the Plaat! My Laard Justice and Maaster Attarney are in league to secure the escape of the plaaters and Paapists!"

One is just out of Newgate, and the other is a blackguard Scot late dismissed the Duke of Buckingham's service." "Ye lie," and Oates' rasping voice was close to his ear. "'Tis an incraidible tale. Will ye outface me, who alone discovered the Plaat, and dispute with me on high poalicy?... Now I come to look at it, ye have a true Jaisuit face. I maind of ye at St. Omer. I judge ye an accoamplice..."

Thereafter we came to the residence of a Mr Priest, who also joined us with his son, and thus we sped on over the flat sandy plains, inhaling the sweet scent of mimosa blossom, glowing in the fervid sunshine, and picking up comrades here and there, until about noon we reached the scene of our intended operations. This was a vast, almost level plain named the Plaat River Flats.

"Maay laard," said Oates, with much effrontery, "aye do not come here to have my evidence questioned as touching the Plaat." "I do not question your evidence, Doctor," said Scroggs, for the time was not arrived that he dared treat him roughly; "nor do I doubt the existence of the Plaat, since it is your pleasure to swear to it.

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