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Updated: August 16, 2024

Next, the image is freely washed in water, and then passed through a bath consisting of 8 to 10 parts of hydrochloric acid to 100 parts of water, for the purpose of removing protoxide of iron salt. It is now again washed well in clean water and finally dried, when the drawing will appear in blue on a white background. Proc. Eng. Club, Phila. By JAMES BEATTY, JR., Member of the Club.

The three islands Phoenice, Phila, Iturium Marseilles first a Phoenician colony The tariff of fees exacted by the priests of Baal The arrival of the Ionians The legend of Protis and Gyptis Second colony of Ionians The voyages of Pytheas and Euthymenes Capture of Marseilles by Trebonius Position of the Greek city The Acropolis Greek inscriptions The lady who never "jawed" her husband The tomb of the sailor-boy Hotel des Negociants Menu Entry of the President of the Republic Entry of Francis I. The church of S. Vincent The Cathedral Notre Dame de la Garde The abbey of S. Victor Catacombs The fable of S. Lazarus.

"Yes," sez Phila, "but I don't believe she will ever marry any one, she looks so sad." "It seems jest if they wuz made for each other," sez I, "and I know he worships the ground she walks on. But I don't know as she will ever marry any one after what she has went through," and I sithed. "She would marry," sez Phila warmly, "if she knew what a lovely, lovely state it wuz."

ANTIPATER. | + CASSANDER, m. Thessalonica. | | | + PHILIP II. | | | + ANTIPATER II. | | | + ALEXANDER. | | + Philip. | + Eurydice, m. Ptolemy Lagi, | + Phila, m. | 1, Craterus; | 2, Demetrius Poliorcetes. | + Nicaea, m. Perdiccas. C. House of Antigonus. PLACE OF ROME IN HISTORY. Rome is the bridge which unites, while it separates, the ancient and the modern world.

Or when you work'd on the horse-cars, and I waited for you, coming home late together or resting and chatting at the Market, corner 7th street and the Avenue, and eating those nice musk or watermelons? Drinkard had order'd for me before you went on duty?... Give my love to dear Mrs. and Mr. Nash, and tell them I have not forgotten them, and never will. Germantown, Phila., Dec. 26, '83.

Well, that day they said his face fairly shone and he did the work of ten men." "That is because his heart is pure," sez I, "like that Mr. Gallyhed I heard Thomas J. read about; you know it sez: "'His strength is as the strength of ten Because his heart is pure. "And oh!" sez I agin, "how I would love to see him and Waitstill Webb married, and happy." "So would I," sez Phila.

I think so and so duz Josiah. But to resoom forwards. The groom went somewhere to send a telegram and Phila sot down by me for a spell; their seat wuz further off but she wanted to talk with me. She wuz real happy and confided in me, and remarked "What a lovely state matrimony is."

I know not what passes in the sacred courts; but here below Neamede, Phila, Lais, Gnathene, the witty Phryne, the despair of the pencil of Apelles, and the chisel of Praxiteles, Leëna, beloved of Harmodias, the two sisters named Aphyes, because they were small and had large eyes, Dorica, the fillet of whose locks and embalmed robe were consecrated in the temple of Venus, all these enchantresses knew only the perfumes of Arabia.

"Phila " he stopped on the brink of a puzzled inquiry, and for a space they regarded each other, each turning over his own perplexity for himself. "Ask me that again," he commanded her suddenly. "I did not understand." She hesitated and closed her lips. Her husband had stabbed this man in the back! Because of her? No! Philadelphus had refused to believe her.

Any respect, however, which he showed either to Phila or to his other wives did not go so far as to prevent him from consorting with any number of mistresses, and bearing, in this respect, the worst character of all the princes of his time. A summons now arrived from his father, ordering him to go and fight with Ptolemy in Cyprus, which he was obliged to obey, sorry as he was to abandon Greece.

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