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Updated: August 22, 2024

Call me a scurvy fellow, proud and saucie, An ill bred, crooked Clowne; ile here this rather Then live upon your pitty. And yet doe not; For, if you raile, too, men that know you can Dissemble, may beleeve you love me, and Tis not my ayme. Sis. You are a fine man! Cou. I am in my best clothes? Sis. I perceave That tis truth now what the world saies of you, And yet tis strange. Cou.

"'I mean, said Mr. Peel, 'in one word, what's his forte? "'His forte! "'I mean what his peculiar gift consists in "'Oh, I perceave I have ye now the juries! "'Ah! addressing a jury. "'Ay, the juries. "'Can you oblige me by giving me any idea of the manner in which he obtains such signal success in this difficult branch of eloquence.

Umh, where is this fidle? in the ayre? I can perceave nothing. Where is my kinde friend and my fine companion? come, we will be friends again; goe to, we will.

"'I mean, said Mr. Peel, 'in one word, what's his forte? "'His forte! "'I mean what his peculiar gift consists in "'Oh, I perceave I have ye now the juries! "'Ah! addressing a jury. "'Ay, the juries. "'Can you oblige me by giving me any idea of the manner in which he obtains such signal success in this difficult branch of eloquence.

We scarce weare in the midle of the lake when we perceave 2 persons goeing on the watter side, att the other side of the lake; so my comrade getts him up a tree to discerne better if there weare any more. Doubtlesse, said I, if they are women the men are not afarre from them, and we shall be forced to shoote. Wee are alone, and should runne the hazzard of 2 women for to be discovered.

Two or three times, do you know, I was going to offer you ten shillings in the pound, and spare my life; and once, God forgive me, I thought it would not be a bad plan to shoot you by 'mistake, do you perceave?" "Why, upon my soul, I'm very much obliged to you for your excessively kind intentions; but really I feel you have done quite enough for me on the present occasion.

Two or three times, do you know, I was going to offer you ten shillings in the pound, and spare my life; and once, God forgive me, I thought it would not be a bad plan to shoot you by 'mistake, do you perceave?" "Why, upon my soul, I'm very much obliged to you for your excessively kind intentions; but really I feel you have done quite enough for me on the present occasion.

He was by trade a taylor, sir, and is the tenth part of the bumbast that goes to the setting forth of a man: his dealing consists not much in weight but in the weight of his pressing Iron, under whose tyranny you shall perceave no small shrinking. Tho. Well said, Grimes. On! Grimes.

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