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Updated: August 8, 2024

Huet, Bishop of Avranches, born 1630, died 1721, published in 1718 Commentarius de rebus ad eum pertinentibus. Nouv. Biog. Gene. xxv. 380. When Dr. Blair published his Lectures, he was invidiously attacked for having omitted his censure on Johnson's style, and, on the contrary, praising it highly.

Especially after the Treaty of Utrecht there was a recrudescence of piracy both in the West Indies and in the East, and it was ten years or more thereafter before the freebooters were finally suppressed. Paine was sent from Jamaica under arrest to Governor de Cussy in 1684, and thence was shipped on a frigate to France. Nat., Nouv.

When he published his History of the Kingdom of Naples, a friend congratulating him on its success, said: 'Mon ami, vous vous êtes mis une couronne sur la tête, mais une couronne d'épines. His attacks on the Church led to persecution, in the end he made a retractation, but nevertheless he died in prison. Nouv. Biog. Gén. xx. 422. See ante, ii. 119.

In 1684 there were between 2000 and 3000 filibusters who made their headquarters in French Hispaniola. They had seventeen vessels at sea with batteries ranging from four to fifty guns. Nat., Nouv. Lon. 1684. Governor Lynch wrote in July 1683: "All the governors in America have known of this very design for four or five months." Duro, quoting from a Spanish MS. in the Coleccion Navarrete, t. x.

In testimony of Lord Vaughan's straightforward policy toward buccaneering, cf. A similar proclamation was issued in May 1681; cf. The colony embraced a strip of coast 80 leagues in length and 9 or 10 miles wide, and it produced 2,000,000 lbs. of tobacco annually. Nat., Nouv.

For Johnson's last visit to Chatsworth, see ante, iv. 357, 367. Ce surnom lui fut donné le jour il remplissait avec le plus grand succès le rôle de Micyllus dans Le Songe de Lucien qui, arrange en drame, fut représenté au collège de Francfort. en 1503, mort en 1558. Nouv. Biog. Gén. xxxv. 922. See ante, ii. 324, note I, and iii. 138. Mr. Gilpin was an undergraduate at Oxford. Mrs. Mr.

Cf. also Bibl. Nat., Nouv. Dampier writes that "it hath been usual for many years past for the Governor of Petit Guaves to send blank Commissions to Sea by many of his Captains, with orders to dispose of them to whom they saw convenient.... I never read any of these French Commissions ... but I have learnt since that the Tenor of them is to give a Liberty to Fish, Fowl and Hunt.

Filby at another meeting of the company on 10th April, when Capt. Mus., Add. Nat. Nouv. According to the records of the Providence Company, Tortuga in 1640 had 300 inhabitants. A Captain Fload, who had been governor, was then in London to clear himself of charges preferred against him by the planters, while a Captain James was exercising authority as "President" in the island.

Before that period they were in the hands of Indian fishermen, who manufactured salt at their pleasure, and sold it, paying the government the moderate sum of three hundred piastres. Nouv. The salt-works of Araya yielded to the treasury, in 1799, a clear income of eight thousand piastres.

De Fontenay, with only thirty companions, sailed for Europe, was wrecked among the Azores, and eventually reached France, only to die a short time afterwards. Nat., Nouv.

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