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Updated: August 10, 2024

But to see whether he be a good writer, let us see when he hath published his second part. This man judgeth and writeth much of a level. Molesworth's preface full of stale profligate topics. That author wrote his book in spite to a nation, as this doth to religion, and both perhaps on poor personal piques .

I prefer to make no comment on my last discovery. After the funeral, being curious to satisfy myself in every particular, I walked across the track to the inn The Saracen's Head which again answered Mr. Molesworth's description to the last detail. The house was kept by a widow and her daughter: and the girl an extremely good-looking young person made me welcome.

Partly because Mr. Molesworth's story, which he persisted in, had this scientific value; partly in the hope of diverting his mind from the lethargy into which I perceived it to be sinking; I once begged him to write the whole story down. To this, however, he was unequal. His will betrayed him as soon as he took pen and paper.

The eyes belonged to a yeoman-farmer's daughter: and young Molesworth lost his fish, but returned next day, and again day after day, to try for him. At the end of three weeks or so, his parents he was a poor hand at dissimulation discovered what was happening, and interfered with promptness and resolution. In this way Mr. Molesworth's love-making and his fly-fishing had come to an end together.

"Cornelia Molesworth is worrying because she has heard he is not orthodox." "She is not obliged to hear him, is she? Nobody can amount to anything nowadays without being accused of heresy; however, I fancy Dr. Hollingsworth can bear up under Mrs. Molesworth's disapproval." Mrs. Parton surveyed Miss Betty with a twinkle in her eye.

Above it, in heights yet more giddy, the larks were chiming; and Mr. Molesworth's heart went up to those clear heights with a sudden lift. In all the many times he had crossed the viaduct he had never once guessed he could not have imagined how beautiful it looked from below. He stood and gazed, and drew a long breath.

Molesworth's hands had been steady when he tied on his May-fly, they trembled enough now as he hurriedly put up his tackle and disjointed his rod: and still, and again while he hastened across to the cottage above the rocky spit the cottage with the larch plantation above and in the garden a laburnum aslant and in bloom his eyes sought the beach for Sir John.

Didn't she ride in the cold and the storm to inform General Putnam of the spy, Molesworth's plot? Hasn't she worked to keep the hands, and the feet, and the backs of the army warm? I don't believe that another girl in the Union hath knit so many mittens and socks, or made so many shirts as Peggy Owen hath.

"CONTENT: "Whereas a wicked and malicious pamphlet, intituled A Letter to the whole people of Ireland, by M.B. Drapier, author of the Letter to the Shop-keepers, etc., printed by John Harding, in Molesworth's Court, in Fishamble Street, Dublin, in which are contained several seditious and scandalous paragraphs highly reflecting upon his Majesty and his Ministers, tending to alienate the affections of his good subjects of England and Ireland from each other, and to promote sedition among the people, hath been lately printed and published in this kingdom: We, the Lord-Lieutenant and Council do hereby publish and declare that, in order to discover the author of the said seditious pamphlet, we will give the necessary orders for the payment of three hundred pounds sterling, to such person or persons as shall within the specified six months from this date hereof, discover the author of the said pamphlet, so as he be apprehended and convicted thereby.

The Journal here has: October 28th. Dinner of The Club to Lord Dufferin before his departure for India. November 14th. Dinner at Lady Molesworth's to the Waddingtons. December 3rd. Small dinner at Lord Cork's, with Gladstone and Sir H. James. From Sir Henry Taylor Bournemouth, December 10th. Dear Mr.

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