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Updated: August 11, 2024

I suppose some one told you to, didn't they?" "Please, sir," answered Diggory warily, "we thought we had to, so that you might have our names to enter in your mark-book." There was a burst of laughter, but that answer went a long way towards setting the Alliance on a good footing with their class-mates. "That young Trevanock's the right sort," said Maxton, "and so are the others.

"What's your name?" "Diggory Trevanock." The whole class exploded. "Now, then," said Mr. Blake, looking up from his mark-book with a broad grin on his own face "now, then, there's nothing to laugh at. Look here," he added, turning to the new boy, "how d'you spell it?"

Next morning the set assembled. Forbes was asleep, Benson was furtively looking up a word in his dictionary, the School House contingent was uncommonly quiet. "Well," said Trundle, "who shall we start off with this morning? Let me see, ah!" he opened his mark-book. The roar of laughter was heard the other side of the court.

Look, how he gallops along." Hjalmar saw that as this Ole-Luk-Oie rode on, he lifted up old and young, and carried them away on his horse. Some he seated in front of him, and some behind, but always inquired first, "How stands the mark-book?" "Good," they all answered. "Yes, but let me see for myself," he replied; and they were obliged to give him the books.

"Of course they must," answered Maxton, who, with both elbows on the desk, was blowing subdued railway whistles through his hands; "every new fellow has to write his name on that little slate on Mr. Watford's table, and he enters them from there into his mark-book. I'm head boy, and I've got to see you do it. Look sharp, or he'll be here in a minute, and there'll be a row."

The big moment came. Fillet opened his mark-book and read the names in the order of last term's examination-list, which brought Doe's name first. Doe was mending a nib when his name was called, and, without raising his head, replied "100, sir." Other names followed, and the boys gave up the marks allotted them by Penny's system. Then came mine. "Ray?"

The introduction of electric snuff, for instance, may not be very original; but it was remarkably successful. Trundle had a habit of leaving his mark-book in his desk, and Lovelace had a key that fitted it. The rest was simple. During evening hall Hunter and Lovelace got leave to fetch a book from their class-room. There was no one about. In five minutes Trundle's mark-book was filled with snuff.

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