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Updated: August 29, 2024

If you manage your men as you manage your love-makin', small wondher they call you the worst corp'ril in the comp'ny. Come away, mother," sez she. 'But divil a fut would the ould woman budge! "D'you hould by that?" sez she, peerin' up under her thick gray eyebrows. "Ay, an' wud," sez I, "tho' Dinah give me the go twinty times.

Now the queer thing about this, boys, ez that suthin in my bones tells me the old man is THAR. I pushes in, and, sure as a gun, I hears his voice. Kinder pathetic, kinder pleadin', kinder " "Love-makin'!" broke in the impatient Robinson. "You've hit it, pard, you've rung the bell every time! But she says, 'wants thet money down, or I'll and here I couldn't get to hear the rest.

"So you're tryin' to hang somethin' onto me, eh? Well, you want to call around early you're late." "No, I'm the first one on the job. Did you stampede Loring's sheep?" "Did I stampede the love-makin'?" sneered Fadeaway. Corliss shortened rein and drew close to the cowboy. "Just explain that," he said. "Oh, I don' know. You the boss of creation?" Corliss's lips hardened.

She doesn't like all the love-makin' to be over in the courtin' days, as if it was only a bit of fishin' to ketch her. Tho' of course I'd tell him to leave me alone, that I couldn't bear him maulin' me; but women has to be that way, it bein' rared into them to pretend they don't like what they do.

He's mine!" He paused, then with something like a sob he repeated in a dazed voice, "An' ye says he aimed ter fo'ce Dorothy with his love-makin'. God!" Hump Doane was still clinging to the rifle upon which Thornton had laid his hands, and they stood there, two claimants, neither of whom was willing to surrender his title to a disputed prize the prize of Bas Rowlett's life.

"I hev no doubt, Tonal', that you hev observed the curious and, if I may say so, extensive variety of love-makin' that has broken out in the camp since the arrival o' these Eskimos?" "I can't say that I have," returned Mowat, gravely. "Wow, man! for a fuddler ye exhibit a most extraordinary want o' perception in the more delicate affairs o' human life. Well, well, it is strange.

"But where are you going?" asked Arthur Miles, running and catching up with her. "Farther on, as usual," she snapped. "Can't yer see they don't want us?" "But why?" "Because they're love-makin'." He made no answer, and she glanced at his face. Its innocent wonderment nettled her the more, yet she had no notion why. She walked on faster than ever.

Gran'ma Mullins is always nothin' but glad to have a chance to shake her head an' wipe her eyes over any one's love-makin'. She come in to wait a little 'cause Lucy wanted to dust an' she says she ain't got no strength to stay in the house while Lucy dusts; she says it lays Hiram out on the sofa every time regular an' sometimes it gives him the toothache.

'Well, Sam? asked the vestal, eagerly. 'Well, miss, I seed 'em and I heerd 'em, answered the boy; 'such goin's on. Orful? 'What kind of thing, Sam? 'Love-makin, miss; keepin' company. The young ladies hadn't been there five minutes when a boat dashes up to the bank, and a young gent jumps ashore. My, how he went on!

Speakin' of maidens, jest let me hint a minute in regard to the one aboard here. She's a daisy. An out an' out daisy. An' if there's a-goin' to be any love-makin' going on around, I'll do it. Yes, sir, don't take any of my duties upon yourself. I'll do it. I'll do it. Jest remind yourself of that, Mr. Rolling, an' we'll get along fust rate. The old man don't know me yet, but Mr.

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