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Updated: August 26, 2024

XLVI. Sapientibus. Cf. sapientiae professoribus, 2, note. Te immortalibus laudibus. I feel constrained to recur to the reading of Lipsius and Ritter, it is so much more spirited than quam temporalibus. Potius manifestly should refer back to lugeri and plangi. The comparison contained in the more common reading is uncalled for in the connection, and of little significance in itself.

For the same excellent reason, the accusation of drunkenness ought not to have been brought against Homer: 'Laudibus arguitur vini vinosus Homerus.

In the 'De Laudibus Legum Angliæ, written in the latter part of the fifteenth century, Sir John Fortescue says "But to the intent, most excellent Prince, yee may conceive a forme and an image of this study, as I am able, I wil describe it unto you. For there be in it ten lesser houses or innes, and sometimes moe, which are called Innes of the Chauncerye.

"Notwithstanding," runs Mulcaster's translation of the 'De Laudibus, "the same lawes are taught and learned, in a certaine place of publique or common studie, more convenient and apt for attayninge to the knowledge of them, than any other university.

To each of the ten Inns of Chancery the author of the 'De Laudibus' assigns "an hundred students at the least, and to some of them a much greater number;" and he says that the least populous of the four Inns of Court contained "two hundred students or thereabouts."

The MSS. read temporalibus laudibus without quam and this may be more easily resolved into te immortalibus, than quam can be supplied. Similitudine. Al. aemulatione. For such a use of similitudo, cf. Cic. Tusc. Decoremus. Tusc. Cf. also G. 28. Formam. Wr. R. and most others have adopted it against the authority of the MSS. cf. forma mentis, below, and Cic. passim. Intercedendum. To be prohibited.

XLVI. Si quis piorum manibus locus, si, ut sapientibus placet, non cum corpore exstinguuntur magnae animae, placide quiescas, nosque, domum tuam, ab infirmo desiderio et muliebribus lamentis ad contemplationem virtutum tuarum voces, quas neque lugeri neque plangi fas est: admiratione te potius, te immortalibus laudibus, et, si natura suppeditet, similitudine decoremus.

For several generations, and for two centuries after Sir John Fortescue wrote the 'De Laudibus, the Inns-of-Court man was more busied in learning to sing than in learning to argue a law cause, more desirous to fence with a sword than to fence with logic.

Jure igitur eum laudamus cujus laudibus non ipse solum sed etiam Academia nostra ornatur. "Præsenta ad vos Wilfredum Thomassum Grenfell, ut admittatur ad gradum Doctoris in Medicina Honoris Causa." As we, the only two Doctors Grenfell extant, marched solemnly back down the aisle side by side, the antithesis of what doctorates called for struck my sense of humour most forcibly.

This monastery included both a hospital and a school, under the energetic rule of its first abbess. Hildelith succeeded Aethelburg, and it was for her and her companions that the scholar Aldhelm, bishop of Sherborne, wrote his work, "De Laudibus Virginitatis." He speaks of the nunnery as a hive where the nuns work like little bees, for they collect everywhere material for study.

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