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Updated: August 9, 2024

"Quand partirons-nous?" asked Francois, wading down the shingle, pack on back. "Aussitot que tout sera pret la-bas," answered the corporal, casting a glance over his shoulder. "Bah! ces gueux d'Anglais! Monsieur le General en a par dessus les yeux." Kit followed the man's eyes. A track of feet led from the lugger to the creek across the wet sand.

He pointed to the railroad bridge just above the wagon bridge. "Cross at once on the ties." The colonel looked, nodded, waved his sword and explained to his Acadians. "Mes enfans! Nous allons traverser le pont la-bas. En avant!" In column of twos he led his men out on the ties of the trestle bridge. Below, dark, rapid, cold, rushed the swollen Shenandoah.

No, it was something quite new the physical expression of that inner silence, of that tenacity of mute will which I read in all the faces that passed me. Paris was living within, or beyond la-bas, all along those hundreds of miles of earth walls from Flanders to the Vosges, where for nine months their men had faced the invader.

Jessica would have torn her frock for a bandage, but Perrot said in his broken English: "No, pardon. Not so. The cloak la-bas." She ran and brought it to him. As she did so Perrot glanced down at her feet, and then, with a touch of humour, said: "Pardon, but you have lost your slipper, ma'm'selle?" He foresaw the little comedy, which he could enjoy even in such painful circumstances.

"Si je t'avais avec moi, et si je restais plus longtemps, je n'aurais pas besoin l'annee prochaine de revenir au mois de juillet. Voila le reve que j'ai fait. Je viendrais a Londres une ou deux fois par semaine seulement, et je t'aurais la-bas. Je ne pense pas vivre sans toi, je meurs d'ennui."

Nothing of the sort, so far as surface and sound were involved, was even in question; surface and sound all made for their common ridiculous good fortune, for the general invraisemblance of the occasion, for the charming chance that they had, the others, in passing, ordered some food to be ready, the charming chance that he had himself not eaten, the charming chance, even more, that their little plans, their hours, their train, in short, from la-bas, would all match for their return together to Paris.

* Among my old papers I find the following invitation to go with him to the Odeon to see a piece called "Les Pilules du Diable": "Je viens rappeler a Sara Une date encore lointaine, Et lui dire que ce sera Le jeudi de l'autre semaine Que la-bas a l'Odeon, Derriere les funambules, Sans etre M. Purgon, Je lui fais prendre 'Les Pilules. "A. J."

"All the same," added Elodie, "it is very dangerous la-bas, mon cheri and I don't want you to get killed." "All the glory and none of the death," said Bakkus. "Conducted on those principles, warfare would be ideal employment for the young. But you would be going back to the Middle Ages, when, if a knight were killed, he was vastly surprised and annoyed. Personally I hate the war.

The soldiers of France in that strange land called la-bas had one consolation which should have helped them a little did help them, I think, more than a little to endure the almost intolerable misery of their winter quarters at the front in one of the wettest half years within living memory.

"And make haste, for the love of heaven! We are waited for la-bas." I cast a quick glance at my body-guard, whose anxious eyes were on the sentinel. His pistol still lay against my side, but his thoughts were far away. It was the moment. With the rapidity of lightning I knocked his arm up, caught his wrist, and clung to it, calling out simultaneously in a voice of crisp command.

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