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Updated: August 19, 2024

Green Ears sat opposite to Käthe staring at her with a wistful expression of adoration and love in his eyes. A chocolate pudding with cream and sugar and a bilberry jelly stood on the table, also rolls which were thickly buttered and spread with various kinds of fairy sausage purely vegetarian in character. Mugs of delicious-looking milk were ready for each child.

He had on rough green trousers, and a white shirt with yellow embroidered braces; his feet were bare and very brown. When he saw Käthe, he gave a wild kind of Indian whoop, and danced round and round her, much to the poor child's dismay, his eyes flashing all sorts of colours. Her heart beat fast, but not a word or sound would come out of her mouth.

It was a fairy ring, you see. Her mother apparently had not missed her, and the baby was as jolly as ever. "What was the matter with you last night, Käthe?" said her mother. "You were dreamier than ever; not a word could we get out of you. You must have been tired out, you poor child!" "But everything was all right, wasn't it, mother, the potatoes were boiled and the supper ready?"

O do, do, do," he said, dancing up and down in wild excitement. "O goodness gracious me, you are certainly quite crazy," said Käthe, "I will tell my mother of you!" She began to cry again, and smacked him whenever he tried to come near her. Then he seized her by the hand and dragged her after him into the wild woods, till they were lost in the forest.

Käthe felt that she was learning more in one night than in all her life before of that strange dream-world on the borders of which we live. The house was so neat and tidy, that it looked as if it had just been spring-cleaned; the windows stood wide open, the moonlight streamed in. A little table was laid for supper. Frau Holle invited them to sit down and they did so at once.

It was peculiar of course, but not so very noticeable on account of his thick curly hair. He was able to move them if anything startled him, to prick up his ears in very truth; then you saw that they really belonged to him. The trees did not wait for Käthe to reply; they formed themselves in long avenues and began a stately dance, something like a quadrille.

"But you can't, you are not real, you know," said Käthe and began to cry again. "Käthchen," said Green Ears, and he looked quite serious and thinky all at once. "Listen to me. I will go to the Old King; he is the ruler of all the fairies here, and I will beg him to teach me how to become human. It may be years before we meet again, for the way into your world is very hard for me to find.

'Therefore, wrote Luther to Kathe, 'it must be seen that God is Exauditor precum. He sent her some trout as a thankoffering from Countess Albert. He wrote to her: 'We hope to return home this week, if God will. On the 16th and 17th of that month the reconciliation upon all the points of dispute was formally concluded.

The boy then made a deep bow, and took her by the hand. Soon he had his long arms round her waist and was trying to kiss her. Käthe began to cry with fear and indignation, "You rude, naughty boy," she said, "I will tell my mother of you." The imp seemed much surprised, caught one of her tears on his finger, held it up to the light and then sucked it, making funny faces all the time.

His good wife could not charm it away by cheerful speech or acts. At length she hit upon this happy device, which proved effectual. She appeared before him in deep mourning. "Who is dead?" asked Luther. "Oh, do you not know, Martin? God in heaven is dead." "How can you talk such nonsense, Käthe? How can God die? Why, He is immortal, and will live through all eternity."

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