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Updated: July 31, 2024

Whence comest thou, what is thy name, and whose son art thou?" So Yaroslav told him who he was; but Kartaus replied: "Fellow, away! and mock me not." "Father," replied Yaroslav, "I am indeed Yaroslav, and come to relieve you."

Five millions of the common folk, with all the priests and monks, he burnt in the open fields, slew twelve thousand infants, took prisoners the Tsar Kartaus with his twelve knights, and put to death the Tsarina and thy mother, the Princess Epistimia. I am the only one left alive, and have lain nine days here half-dead with fear."

Yaroslav answered: "I am come from the kingdom of the Tsar Kartaus, and my name is Yaroslav: I am preparing to journey to the kingdom of India to pay my respects to the Tsar Dalmat." But Ivashka answered: "Never has man or animal passed this way, and thinkest thou to do so? First let us go into the plain and try the prowess of our arms!"

So Yaroslav took the blood from his phial and anointed their eyes, and they saw again; thereat they were overjoyed, and with tears exclaimed: "O Yaroslav Lasarevich, it is indeed he!" and they embraced him. Then the Tsar Kartaus asked him: "Where hast thou been so long?" "Wait an instant," replied Yaroslav; and so saying, he left the prison, mounted his good steed, and rode out of the city.

Then said Kartaus: "If thy name is indeed Yaroslav Lasarevich, and thou hast slain the Tsar and taken of his blood, anoint our eyes with it; then we shall see the light of heaven and shall believe thee."

Ivashka returned to the kingdom of Kartaus, to Yaroslav's father and mother, and carried the tidings that he was well. The parents rejoiced greatly to hear of their son, and dismissed Ivashka with rich presents. But Yaroslav Lasarevich rode on and on, for two and for three months, until at last he came to a field where an immense army lay slain.

Yaroslav replied: "I have roamed far and wide, and now seek the service of a good lord and master; I was born in the kingdom of the Tsar Kartaus, the son of Prince Lasar, and my name is Yaroslav." Then said the Tsar: "Yaroslav Lasarevich, ride into my city I want followers." So Yaroslav rode into the city.

But Yaroslav rode on and on for half a year, until he came to the kingdom of Daniil the White. On entering the city he went straight to the prison, before which a strong guard was posted: so he slew them all, broke open the gates, entered the prison, and said: "Hail, O Tsar Kartaus, and thou my father, Prince Lasar, and ye twelve knights! How does Heaven protect you?"

And the elder Yaroslav began to question his son, and said: "Thou hast travelled to thy grandfather Prince Lasar, tell me about him and how he is." Then Yaroslav delivered the following letter from the Tsar Kartaus to his father: "The Tsar Kartaus sends hearty greetings to the great Tsar and powerful knight Yaroslav Lasarevich!

Then he commanded the wife of Prince Daniil the White to be put to death, since she had killed his mother, the Princess Epistimia; but he spared the life of Prince Daniil and his nobles as he had not slain the Tsar Kartaus and Prince Lasar; he only put out their eyes, and threw them into prison under a strong guard.

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