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Updated: August 13, 2024

The local authorities, with Governor-General Drenteln at their head, who was a reactionary and a fierce Jew-hater, were aware not only of the imminence of the pogrom, but also of the day selected for it, Sunday, April 26. As early as April 23 a street fight took place which was accompanied by assaults on Jewish passers-by a prelude to the pogrom.

They took delight in repeating the tale, that they might witness his childish outbursts of passion and fury. This treatment had its desired effect; the boy developed into a rabid Jew-hater. As a child, Mikail was but a servant in the monastery, ill-treated and ill-fed.

Mordecai was appointed the Jewish delegate, and no more rabid Jew-hater could be found than Haman, to plead the cause of the antagonists of the Temple builders. As for his character, that, too, King Ahasuerus had had occasion to see in its true light, because Haman is but another name for Memucan, the prince who is chargeable in the last resort with the death of Vashti.

He ordains yellow hats; we wear yellow hats, but gradually the yellow darkens; it becomes orange, then ochre, till at last we go capped in red like so many cardinals, provoking the edict afresh. We are restricted to one synagogue. We have five for our different country-folk, but we build them under one roof and call four of them schools." "Hush, thou Jew-hater," cried his mother.

Only the unyielding Jew-hater hated him. And so the lines of the life of Doctor Meyer Isaacson seemed laid in pleasant places. And not a few thought him one of the fortunate of this world. One morning of June the doctor was returning to Cleveland Square from his early ride in the Park. He was alone.

But then they never knew how many slices of bread and meat Barker had gotten from Jewish hands before he knew the difference. Just about that time we got other new companions. One of them was a certain Pole, Vassil Stefanovich Zagrubsky, blessed be his memory, Jew-hater though he was. The beginning of our acquaintance promised no good.

Then came Domitian the Jew-hater, and turned them out of their houses and laid heavy taxes upon them, and forced them for a time to live in the caves and wild places and catacombs of the Aventine, and they became dealers in spells and amulets and love philtres, which they sold dear to the ever-superstitious Romans, and Juvenal wrote scornful satires on them.

"What do you want with me, priest?" he cried, angrily, when he recognized his assailant. "I am here to remind you of your honor, of your manhood; to plead with you in behalf of that poor maiden. You shall not harm a hair of her head while I have strength to defend her." "This is, indeed, wonderful!" laughed Loris, mockingly. "The arch Jew-hater has become the champion of innocence!

The Tzar, entirely oblivious of his ukase of 1817, instructed the White-Russian governor-general, Khovanski, to start a new rigorous inquiry. The imperial order gave the governor-general, who was a Jew-hater and a believer in the hideous libel, unrestricted scope for his anti-Semitic instincts.

The priest's head had struck the pavement with such force that his skull was crushed and a crimson stream of blood gushed from his lips and nostrils, his body quivered, his maimed arm fell heavily at his side. Mikail, the Jew-hater, had ceased to exist. For a moment Loris was dazed and conscience-stricken. To kill a priest was a serious crime.

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