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Updated: August 17, 2024

Univ., he studied law on the Continent, but succeeding in 1610 to his paternal estate of Hawthornden, he devoted himself to poetry. His finest poem, Forth Feasting , is addressed to James VI. on his revisiting Scotland. D. was also a prose-writer, and composed a History of the Five Jameses, Kings of Scotland from 1423-1524, and The Cypress Grove, a meditation on death.

The eyes were a good size, very black with rather thin eyelashes. Lots of black hair. Stunning figure. Rather large ears and hands and feet. She always dressed in black, the handsomest sort. They generally do." "Well?" asked Ruyler through his teeth. He had no doubt the woman was his mother-in-law. "The Jameses? What of them?" "That's the snag. Rest is easy in comparison.

It really goes to my heart not to take some of my partner's children. There they are, peeping at us, one head behind another, from that gate. There is room for two or three, from the Jameses failing us at the last. The little things might as well go; but I suppose there would be no use in saying anything about it. I must have a word with my daughter before we embark. Sophia, my dear! Sophia!"

The lips that touched that cold hand which he kissed before he gave to them must have trembled, perhaps with compunction, let us hope with some vow of fidelity to his memory and trust. Thus died the last of the five Jameses the last in one sense of that unfortunate but gallant line.

"How the secretary will smile, when he sees his name immortalised upon my map, by a lake never to be dried up, and which hereafter is to be known by the elegant and appropriate appellation of `Jones!" Under just such influence are these absurd titles bestowed; and the consequence is, that amid the romantic defiles of the Rocky Mountains, we have our ears jarred by a jumble of petty and most inappropriate names Smiths, Joneses, Jameses, and the like while, from the sublime peaks of the Cascade range, we have "Adams," "Jackson," "Jefferson," "Madison," and "Washington," overlooking the limitless waters of the Pacific.

The passengers fell into line as directed, Collins with the rest. "You're calling this dance, son; it's your say-so, I guess," he conceded. "Keep still, or I'll shoot you full of holes," growled the autocrat of the artillery. "Why, sure! Ain't you the real thing in Jesse Jameses?" soothed the sheriff.

And it was an anachronism to coop up a learned, elegant, and refined class, living under the Hanoverian Georges in peace and loyalty, within the circle of walls now broken down and useless, which had been adapted to protect the subjects of the old Scottish Jameses from continual attacks.

Two of them, however, the Second and Third of John, hardly deserve the designation, for they are addressed to individuals. The author of the Epistle of James is not easily identified. There are numerous Jameses in the New Testament history; we do not readily distinguish them.

The Bruce, the Scottish Jameses, Coeur de Lion, Elizabeth, Leicester, Mary of Scots, James I. of England, Montrose, Claverhouse, Cumberland the Butcher. The Covenanters are ready to preach, and fight anew, the Highland clans rise in aid of the Stuart.

This was rather a remarkable day in Britain, being that on which the poor infant son of the last of the Jameses, afterwards known in Parliamentary language as the Pretender, was born.

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