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Updated: August 10, 2024

Hoernes, and published under the auspices of the Austrian Government, "On the Fossil Shells of the Vienna Basin." The collection of Tertiary shells from which those descriptions and beautiful figures were taken is almost unexampled for the fine state of preservation of the specimens, and the care with which all the varieties have been compared.

At the Stockholm Congress in 1874 de Mortillet advanced the theory that megalithic monuments in different districts were due to different peoples, and that what spread was the custom of building such structures and not the builders themselves. This theory has been accepted by most archæologists, including Montelius, Salomon Reinach, Sophus Müller, Hoernes, and Déchelette.

At Christmas his friend Müller sent him some of Michelangelo's poems, translated into German by Walter Robert-Tornow; and Wolf, deeply moved by their beauty, decided at once to devote a whole volume of Lieder to them. In 1897 he composed the first three melodies. At the same time he was also working at a new opera, Manuel Venegas, a poem by Moritz Hoernes, written after the style of Alarcón.

Titelbach, "Das heilige Feuer bei den Balkanslaven," Internationales Archiv fur Ethnographie, xiii. p. 3. See below, vol. ii. pp. 168 sqq. Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen aus Bosnien und der Hercegovina, redigirt von Moriz Hoernes, iii. The Denham Tracts, a Collection of Folklore by Michael Aislabie Denham, edited by Dr.

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