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Updated: August 6, 2024

And pretty soon I was in the free-bed line and doing oral fiction for hand-outs among the food bazaars. Does the truthful statement weary thee, O Caliph? I can turn on the Wall Street disaster stop if you prefer, but that requires a tear, and I'm afraid I can't hustle one up after that good dinner." "No, no," said Chalmers, earnestly, "you interest me very much.

But this time, like a soldier on a long march, I was prepared: I had begged, from door to door, enough "hand-outs" to last a week ... throwing away most of the bread ... keeping the cold meats and the pie and cake. I sat in my open box-car, on a box that I had flung in with me, reading my Bible and eating my "hand-outs" and a millionaire had nothing on me for enjoyment.

When other fellows get hand-outs of pie I get cold potatoes and bannock bread. I have to walk when other fellows ride. I'm too fat for the trucks and they can always see me on the blind baggage. I'll keep on walking. I never had no luck in all my life." He rolled upon his hands and knees and then stood up. He started away, wholly cowed, whining like a quill-pig, bewailing his luck.

"Oh, sure; I jus' as soon drop in on this dame," she said. "One o' these Frog refygees, I s'pose. Well, believe me, she's come a long way to get disappointed if she thinks I'm givin' any hand-outs to granddad's pensioners. I got troubles of my own." "We'll be at the hotel, Miss Pettis and I," said Wilding. "That will do, Miss Pettis." The girl teetered out on her spiky heels, with a sway of hips.

"Well," said Hervey, ready, even eager to adapt himself to Tom's mood, "all I've got to do is to track an animal for a half a mile or so " "A quarter of a mile," Tom said. "And then I'm an Eagle Scout," Hervey concluded. "But if I want to be in on the hand-outs Saturday night, I've got to do it between now and Saturday, and that's what has me worried. I want to go home from here an Eagle Scout.

We were quickly separated; but we had agreed to meet in the ice-boxes. I had bad luck at first; but in the end, with a couple of "hand-outs" poked into my shirt, I chased for the train. It was pulling out and going fast.

" guess that's about how it is." I passed the word along the line. My companion tramps cursed the yegg and his ways.... "They're always raisin' hell ... an' we git the blame ... when all we want is not loot, but hand-outs and a cup o' coffee ... and a piece of change now and then." The yegg, the tiger among tramps the criminal tramp despises the ordinary bum and the "gaycat."

She joined me in my imaginary battles with Indians ... my sanguinary hunts for big game.... It was she who first taught me to beg hand-outs at back doors one day when we went fishing together and found ourselves a long way off from home.

And maybe I can have a couple of dollars by the time I'm fit to go." Mitch says: "Charley King has the agency for the Springfield papers, and he's goin' to divy with me for helpin' him deliver, and that way I can get some money too. But shucks, as for that, we can turn tricks on the way for money. All we need is hand-outs, and that's easy." "Well, then," says I, "let me furnish the money.

Then, in the other end of the car, pursued by envious glances, I sat down with the man who had climbed aboard and shared his "Java" and the hand-outs that had bulged his shirt. It was the Swede. At about ten o'clock in the evening, we arrived at Omaha. "Let's shake the push," said the Swede to me. "Sure," said I. As the freight pulled into Omaha, we made ready to do so.

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