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Updated: August 22, 2024

I think I like that exp'ession I saw on the noozpapeh, wheh it says: 'Long biffo the appointed owwa, thousan' of flashing tawches and tas'eful t'anspa'encies with divuz devices whose blazing effulgence turn' day into night. Thass a ve'y talented style, in fact. Well, au 'evoi', Doctah. I'm going ad the an' thass anotheh thing I like 'tis faw the ladies to 'ing bells that way on the balconies.

"'Ezcape fum the aunt, thou sluggud!" "Au 'evoi'" to his aunt and the uncle of his aunt. "Au 'evoi'! Au 'evoi'!" desk, pen, book work, care, thought, restraint all sinking, sinking beneath the receding horizon of Lake Ponchartrain, and the wide world and a soldier's life before him. Farewell, Byronic youth! You are not of so frail a stuff as you have seemed.

This is the Attis of many forms, of whom they sing as follows: 'Of Attis will I sing, of Rhea's Beloved, Not with the booming of bells, Nor with the deep-toned pipe of Idaean Kuretes; But I will blend my song with Phoebus' music of the lyre; Evoi, Evan, for thou art Pan, thou Bacchus art, and Shepherd of bright stars!"

Well," he seized the visitor's hand, "au' evoi', Mistoo Itchlin." And Narcisse returned to his desk happy in the conviction that Richling had gone away dazzled. Dr. Sevier sat in the great easy-chair under the drop-light of his library table trying to read a book. But his thought was not on the page.

Me, I may say, I wish I had a wife to make a man out of me." "I wish you had," said Richling. But Narcisse smiled on. "Well, au 'evoi'." He paused an instant with an earnest face. "Pehchance I'll meet you this evening, Mistoo Itchlin? Faw doubtless, like myseff, you will assist at the gweat a-ally faw the Union, the Const'ution, and the enfo'cemen' of the law. Dr. Seveeah will addwess."

"Doctah Seveeah," he said, "in fact, I fine that a ve'y gen'lemany young man, that Mistoo Itchlin, weely, Doctah." The Doctor murmured to himself from the letter he was writing. "Well, au 'evoi', Doctah; I'm goin'."

'Theh was a soun' of wibalwy by night, W'en 'Ush-'ark! A deep saun' stwike' ? Thaz by Lawd By'on. Yesseh. Well" The Creole lifted his right hand energetically, laid its inner edge against the brass buttons of his képi, and then waved it gracefully abroad: "Au 'evoi', Mistoo Itchlin. I leave you to defen' the city."

"I don't know that I care to hear him," replied Richling. "Goin' to be a gwan' out-po'-ing, Mistoo Itchlin. Citizens of Noo 'Leans without the leas' 'espec' faw fawmeh polly-tickle diff'ence. Also fiah-works. 'Come one, come all, as says the gweat Scott includin' yo'seff, Mistoo Itchlin. No? Well, au 'evoi', Mistoo Itchlin." The political pot began to seethe.

Well, Misses Wiley, I bid you au 'evoi'. I dunno if you'll pummit me, but I am compel to tell you, Misses Wiley, I nevva yeh anybody in my life with such a educated and talented conve'sation like yo'seff. Misses Wiley, at what univussity did you gwaduate?"

"I'll keep out of it." If Narcisse detected his mortified chagrin, he did not seem to. It was hard; the day's last hope was blown out like a candle in the wind. Richling dared not risk the wetting of his suit of clothes; they were his sole letter of recommendation and capital in trade. "Well, au 'evoi', Mistoo Itchlin." He turned and moved off dip, glide, and away. Dr.

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