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Updated: August 19, 2024

She did indeed depone to a line being left for me at her house, which said line miscarried. It was a sealed letter; she could not tell whether it was a malt-notice or not; she could not even condescend on the month, nor so much as the season of the year.

These two females did afterwards depone that Mr Willet in his consternation uttered but one word, and called that up the stairs in a stentorian voice, six distinct times.

It would have seemed utterly impossible, but "El Hombre propone y el Deos depone" as the Mexicans say. During the whole four years' stay in India I was practically barred from ladies' society, nearly all the planters being unmarried men. Alas! for twenty years longer of my life this very unfortunate and demoralizing condition was to continue.

I came up here every year to see how John is treating her. I depone " John rose and, striding around the table, he seized the old man by the collar. Douglas put his hand on his father's arm. "Drop it, Dad, or I swear I'll think old Johnny is a better man than you. I asked him to tell. Throw me out if you want to. Keep your hands off this little chap. One thing is sure.

Mr Melmotte had been asked to depone the title-deeds, and had promised to do so as soon as the day of the wedding should have been fixed with the consent of all the parties. The Marquis's lawyer had ventured to express a doubt; but the Marquis had determined to persevere.

"I bet we had words in that sermon none of 'em ever dreamed of before. You'd ought to use 'gregus, Mr. Fowler. It's a hard word and so's depone. I told Grandma to come up Sunday and we'd have words looked out that would sure twist her gullet to say." Mr. Fowler was seized with a sudden coughing fit from which he merged into violent laughter.

This memorial contains nothing but what was imparted to me by the Lord of Pagliano on his death-bed, in the presence of his confessor." "We cannot admit the confessor," Gonzaga thrust in. "Give me leave, your excellency. It was not in his quality as confessor that Fra Gervasio heard the dying man depone. Cavalcanti's confession followed upon that.

"Called, nominate, summoned to appear, upon this third citation, Alexander Mowdiewort, or Moldieward, to answer for the sin of misca'in' the minister and session o' this parish, and to show cause why he, as a sectary notour, should not demit, depone, and resign his office of grave digger in the kirk-yard of this parish with all the emoluments, benefits, and profits thereto appertaining.

That evening, as Douglas sat in his favorite place beside the alfalfa stack, old Johnny led up his little gray mare. "I'll be cowling myself along home now, Doug," he said. "John is awful insidious to me. I just want to say, Doug, that you're the first man in this valley ever stuck up for me and some day I depone I'll get even with you." "Good for you, Johnny!" nodded Douglas.

Then I rode down to telephone and they burned it." "Who was it, Johnny?" "I don't know but I depone it was Scott and Charleton. They never spoke but I depone it. Like it was Charleton and John tied me to the mule and that was how." "Steady, Johnny! Which way did they go?" "I don't know. I was riding down to Mary. I knew Mary " "Steady, Johnny." Douglas looked up at the circle of faces.

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