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Updated: August 17, 2024

But after a good deal of questioning, it turned out that Melchior Bosswinkel meant certain lacquered tea-trays, stove-shades, and things of that sort, which he saw and much admired in a shop-window as he went to business of a morning, after two or three sardines and a glass of Dantziger at the Sala Tarone. These productions constituted his highest ideal of the pictorial art.

Comenius had as the champion of his views in England Samuel Hartlib, a Dantziger by origin, settled in London since 1628. Hartlib had even less of real science than Comenius, but he was equally possessed by the Baconian ideal of a new heaven and a new earth of knowledge. Not himself a discoverer in any branch, he was unceasingly occupied in communicating the discoveries and inventions of others.

As he fell asleep smiling at these happy reflections, Desiree, far away in Dantzig, was locking in her bureau the letter which had been lost and found again; while, on the deck of his ship, lifting gently to the tideway where the Vistula sweeps out into the Dantziger Bucht, Louis d'Arragon stood fingering reflectively in his jacket-pocket the unread papers which had fallen from the same despatch-case.

It was only the children who asked a thousand questions, and got never an answer from the cautious descendants of a Hanseatic people. "Is it the French or the Russians that are coming?" asked a child near to Desiree. "Both," was the answer. "But which will come first?" "Wait and see silentium," replied the careful Dantziger, looking over his shoulder.

Enveloped in their stiff sheepskins, concealed by the high collars which reached to the brim of their hats showing nothing but eyes where the rime made old faces and young all alike, it was difficult for any to judge of his neighbour whether he were Pole or Prussian, Dantziger or Swede. The women in thick shawls, with hoods or scarves concealing their faces, stood silently beside their husbands.

"If I had such an army as that," said a stout Dantziger, "I should bring it into the city quietly, after dusk." But the majority were silent, remembering the departure of these men the triumph, the glory, and the hope.

The most elaborate attempt to demonstrate its correctness was made by Cr. Bunke, in The Dantziger Neueste Nachrichten, already mentioned in this book.

It had overshadowed France. Its gloom had spread to Italy, Austria, Spain; had penetrated so far north as Sweden; was now hanging sullen over Dantzig, the greatest of the Hanseatic towns, the Free City. For a Dantziger had never needed to say that he was a Pole or a Prussian, a Swede or a subject of the Czar. He was a Dantziger.

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