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Updated: August 12, 2024

With this result Kepler was inordinately pleased, and regretted not a moment of the time spent in obtaining it, though to us this "Mysterium Cosmographicum" can only appear useless, even without the more recent additions to the known planets.

His astronomical tutor, Maestlin, encouraged him to devote himself to his newly adopted science, and the first result of this advice appeared before very long in Kepler's "Mysterium Cosmographicum". The bent of his mind was towards philosophical speculation, to which he had been attracted in his youthful studies of Scaliger's "Exoteric Exercises". He says he devoted much time "to the examination of the nature of heaven, of souls, of genii, of the elements, of the essence of fire, of the cause of fountains, the ebb and flow of the tides, the shape of the continents and inland seas, and things of this sort". Following his tutor in his admiration for the Copernican theory, he wrote an essay on the primary motion, attributing it to the rotation of the earth, and this not for the mathematical reasons brought forward by Copernicus, but, as he himself says, on physical or metaphysical grounds.

In the same year Kepler reprinted his "Mysterium Cosmographicum," and also published his "Harmonics" in five books dedicated to James I of England.

His first work, the "Mysterium Cosmographicum," is the record of a splendid blunder that cost him five years' toil, and he spent ten years of fruitless and baffled effort in the deduction of the laws of areas and orbital ellipticity. But this audacious diviner knew well the use of Hypothesis, and he applied it as an instrument of investigation as it had never been applied before.

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