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Updated: August 23, 2024

You go free till about this time next year, anyhow. You an' me'll celebrate the birthday between ourselves with that contrac'. You needn't git oneasy Thanksgivin', or picnic-time, or Easter, or no other time 'twixt this an' nex' Christmas less'n, of co'se, you stray off an' git stole. An' this here reprieve, I want you to understand, is a present from the junior member of this firm.

"Goin to run the whole game hisself, perhaps, or then again he might be in with Sam, so they won't have to divvy up. He could say we hadn't kept out contrac' you know, runnin' away like that." "We ain't to blame. How'd we know it want the police? We had a mighty close shave over that state line this A.M." "Well, that's what he could say, an' refuse to divvy up. But b'lieve me, Shorty!

Carter toward the open door of the car. "Hul-lo" exclaimed Mr. Carter, when he saw the farmer and realized how he had "dropped in." "That milk for sale?" "Why, mister," drawled Snubbins, "I'm under contrac' ter Peleg Morton ter deliver two cans of milk to him ev'ry day. I wasn't goin' to have him claim I hadn't tried ter fulfil my part of the contrac', so I started 'cross-lots with the cans."

"I uz bawn wid a talent fo' de ladies." For a signal the indoor singer need not have gone beyond that line, but the spirit that always grew merry as the peril grew, the spirit which had made Kincaid's Battery the fearfulest its enemies ever faced, insisted: "You fine it on de map o' de contrac' plan, I's boun' to be a ladies' man!"

We hain't got no mewel at de present time, but we 'specs ter contrac' fer one shortly," explained the negro, noting Winn's inquiring glances, as he assisted him to remove his wet garments. Before the boy had a chance to ask the questions that were at his tongue's end, he, as well as the other occupants of the boat, was startled by a loud hail from the river. "Hello! What steamer is that?"

Then there'll be cause for an inquest and an election." He spoke with what struck the teamster as unnecessary heat. "Dunno," said the other; "Turney's a brash young feller, I hear, but he's game. 'Tain't any of my business, though, and I don't want none of his contrac'. I'm violently addicted to peace and quiet, I am.

You've taken a large contrac' in hand, but a large contrac' may be carried through, sir, as anyone that knows my dealings could testify. The Master is ready to weigh in!" "So am I." "You must weigh in the buff." Montgomery looked askance at the tall, red-headed woman who was standing gazing out of the window. "That's all right," said Wilson. "Get behind the curtain and put on your fighting kit."

The M. & D. outfit get all the advantage of that." "They do, my son. When old Daly's hand gets near anything, it cramps. I don't know how the old man come to make such a contrac', but he did. Result is, he's out his expenses and time." To understand exactly the catastrophe that had occurred, it is necessary to follow briefly an outline of the process after the logs have been piled on the banks.

"'Say, Mag, says he, 'get down offen dat staige an' come away from de guy. It ain't in our contrac' dat we has ter stand for his gettin' soft on youse an' stringin' youse like dat. Come down, er I'll climb up an' break his face fer him. "'Sure, Mike, says the blonde, and climbs down. That made Merritt mad and he talks real English without any poetic frills for a minute.

"They knew the agreement before they started in with you on the job, didn't they?" "Oh, ya-as. They knowed about the contrac'." "'Nuff said, then," grunted the elder. "Oh! is that you, Janice Day?

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