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Updated: August 7, 2024

We should, indeed, have missed St. John's writings in that case his Revelation, Gospel and Epistles. But what a revelation that would have been, what a gospel, what a living epistle! It was not, however, to be. Jesus had to go unaccompanied: "I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with Me." So they "bound Him and led Him away." Speira=cohors, tenth part of legion.

XXVIII. Eadem aestate cohors Usipiorum, per Germanias conscripta, in Britanniam transmissa, magnum ac memorabile facinus ausa est.

There had been a certain sum saved which he had been proud to think that he would return to the treasury. But the satellites were all in arms: "Ingemuit nostra cohors." Nevertheless, he disregarded the "cohort," and paid the money into the treasury. As to the sum thus saved, there has been a dispute which has given rise to some most amusing literary vituperation.

Nova expeditio novas gentes aperit, quae praesidio firmantur. Agricolae candor in communicanda gloria. 24. Consilium de occupanda Hibernia. 25-27. Civitates trans Bodotriam sitae explorantur. Caledonii, Romanos aggressi, consilio ductuque Agricolae pulsi, sacrificiis conspirationem civitatum sanciunt. 28. Usipiorum cohors miro casu Britanniam circumvecta. Agricolae filius obit. 29.

Compare the sentiment with 25: specie prudentium, etc. Arte rati, al. arte usos rati by conjecture. Rit. reads superati. Utrimque. Both the Romans and the Britons; the Romans excited by their victory, the Britons by their coetibus ac sacrificiis. Discessum. They separated, viz. after the battle and at the close of the campaign. XXVIII. Cohors Usipiorum. See same story, Dio Cass. 66, 20. Adactis.

Russell's account of Sharp's murder, Kirkton, p. 442. See also Creichton's Memoirs, though the captain was not present at the fight, having remained in garrison at Glasgow. In a Latin poem, "Bellum Bothuellianum," by Andrew Guild, now in the Advocates' Library at Edinburgh, are the following lines: "Tum rabiosa cohors, misereri nescia, stratos Invadit, laceratque viros: hic signifer, eheu!

Quid studiosa Cohors operum struit? Hoc quoque curo. It was from his commerce with the Ancients, as I always think, that George Buchanan derived his opinion, strange to modern ears, that "a great commander must of necessity have all the talents of an author." Velleius Paterculus, who served with Tiberius in his campaigns, tells us of his firm discipline, and of his kindness to the soldiers.

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