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Updated: August 15, 2024

"I've no doubt," says my lady. "Perhaps the lady of his choice is Miss Matilda Griffin!" and she flung out of the room, slamming the door, and leaving Miss Matilda to bust into tears, as was her reglar custom, and pour her loves and woas into the buzzom of Miss Kicksey.

"And the father of a family?" "Three boys and a babe at the buzzom," said Mr. Stubmore pathetically. "And he sha'n't be taken in if I can help it! That 'ere young man as I am arter, you see, knows Captain Smith ha! ha! smell a rat now eh?" "Captain Smith said he knew him the wiper and that's what made me so green."

"Well, then, I has a heart in my buzzom, and if so be I can do a good turn to the 'oman wot I has loved and kep' company with, why not?" "Why not, indeed?" said Mr. R . "And as we want to learn, not only what has become of Mrs. Joplin, but what she did with the child she carried off from , begin at the beginning and tell us all you know." Bill mused. "How much is there in the pus?"

"'That's right, says the cook. 'Tumm, you're right. "'T' thpeak t' me! says she. "I wisht she hadn't spoke quite that way. Lord! it wasn't nice. It makes a man feel bad t' see a woman hit her buzzom for a little thing like that. "'Ay, Liz, says I, 't' speak t' you. An' I'm thinkin', Liz, says I, 'he'll say things no man ever said afore t' you. "'That's right, Tumm, says the cook.

My buzzom pin; it was took of Pa when he was a young man and awful handsome, and I didn't want to leave it in the room when we went out, cause somebody might get in, and they'd be sure to want it, so I pinned it on my nightcap strings and it's gone, and I a-gallivanting round on them rocks, a-looking at the sunrise, and I can see that to home all I want to. I must have been crazy."

"Well, then, I has a heart in my buzzom, and if so be I can do a good turn to the 'oman wot I has loved and kep' company with, why not?" "Why not, indeed?" said Mr. R . "And as we want to learn, not only what has become of Mrs. Joplin, but what she did with the child she carried off from , begin at the beginning and tell us all you know." Bill mused. "How much is there in the pus?"

"And the father of a family?" "Three boys and a babe at the buzzom," said Mr. Stubmore pathetically. "And he sha'n't be taken in if I can help it! That 'ere young man as I am arter, you see, knows Captain Smith ha! ha! smell a rat now eh?" "Captain Smith said he knew him the wiper and that's what made me so green."

She at once put out her hand, that seemed like a snowflake in the great horny paw of the drover, and said, "Indeed, Mr. Cronk, I will permit no one to claim stronger friendship to Mr. Fleet than mine." "I can take any friend of Mr. Fleet's to my buzzom at once," said Bill, speaking figuratively, but Christine instinctively shrank nearer Dennis.

I have a heart in my buzzom; cut me open, and you will find there `Halibi, and Grabman! Give Bob your key." "The brush is not in my room," answered Grabman; "it is at the top of the house, up the ladder, in Beck's loft, Beck, the sweeper. The stupid dog always keeps it there, and forgot to give it me. Sorry to occasion my friend Bob so much trouble."

"I don't know how it is," said the captain, solemnly, "but I begin to feel a sort of somethin towards you youngsters that's very absorbin. It's a kine o' anxious fondness, with a mixtoor of indulgent tenderness. How ever I got to contract sech a feelin beats me. I s'pose it's bein deprived of my babby, an exiled from home, an so my vacant buzzom craves to be filled.

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