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Updated: August 8, 2024

"I'm no' just very popular the way it is," returned Ebenezer; "and I dinna see how it would come to be kennt. No' by me, onyway; nor yet by you or your friends. So that's idle talk, my buckie," says he. "Then it'll have to be David that tells it," said Alan. "How that?" says my uncle sharply. "Ou, just this way," says Alan.

Before man arrived, and introduced into the silence of the sea the smoke and clangour of a blacksmith's shop, it was a favourite resting-place of seals. The crab and lobster haunt in the crevices; and limpets, mussels, and the white buckie abound.

A good name it is, and one it would ill become my father's son to lightly. But I begin to grue at the sound of it." "My name is called Balfour," said I, "David Balfour of Shaws. As for him that sent me, I will let his token speak." And I showed the silver button. "Put it in your pocket, sir!" cries he. "Ye need name no names. The deevil's buckie, I ken the button of him! And deil hae't!

Ere he could withdraw it, Peter Peebles sprang to the door, seized on the boy by the collar, and dragged him forward into the room. 'Let me see it, he said, 'ye ne'er-do-weel limb of Satan I'll gar you satisfy the production, I trow I'll hae first and second diligence against you, ye deevil's buckie!

"'Tis as well marked, a'most" said Drake, pausing to survey the trail, "as if he'd bin draggin' a toboggan behind him." "Yet a settlement man wouldn't see much of it," remarked little Trevor; "eh! Buckie?" The Indian boy nodded gravely.

It was a good boat, strong in every timber, an old world Buckie skiff, notorious for fending in foundering seas; but it had failed Promoter in the last storm, and three days after he and his sons had gone to the bottom had been found floating in Largo Bay.

The Dominie rose in his excitement and slammed the table, "My certie, lassie, but it would!" he cried, "Ogilvy looks on the Blackadder as his perquisite, and he's surer of it than ever this year. And there's no doubt but Tommy would carry it. My head to a buckie preen he would carry it, and then, oh, for a sight of Ogilvy's face, oh, for " He broke off abruptly.

Ere he reached the end of the long avenue, however, a ball whistled past him, and the report of a pistol was heard. 'It was that deevil's buckie, Callum Beg, said Alick; I saw him whisk away through amang the reises.

"Hoots! for shame, Mistress Catanach!" he cried, "Here's my leddy ahin' me, hearin' ilka word!" "Deil stap her lugs wi' brunstane! What but a curse wad she hae frae me? I sweir by God i s' gar her pey for this, or my name's no " She stopped suddenly. "I thocht as muckle," said Malcolm with a keen look. "Ye'll think twise, ye deil's buckie, or ye think richt! Wha are ye to think?

"An' we'll call out Buckie," answered Dubs. "Man," said Fite Folp, the eldest of the three, "the haill shore, frae the Brough to Fort George, 'll be up in a jiffie, an' a' the cuintry, frae John o' Groat's to Berwick, 'ill hear hoo the fisher fowk 's misguidit; an' at last it'll come to the king, an' syne we'll get oor richts, for he'll no stan' to see't, an' maitters 'll sane be set upon a better futtin' for puir fowk 'at has no freen' but God an' the sea."

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