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Updated: August 3, 2024

"You are a silly, inquisitive little girl," said her mother, driven by these aggravating circumstances quite outside of her usual habits of indulgence. "Go to your room." Then she added to Jacques Bricheteau, who lingered after the arrival of the letter, "Permit me, monsieur." "It is for me, madame, to ask permission to remain until you have read that letter.

For the last few months Monsieur Jacques Bricheteau had received a voluminous number of letters the postage on which indicated that they came from foreign parts; but, in spite of his desires, the worthy concierge had never, he said, been able to decipher the post-mark. Thus this detail, which might have been very useful to me became for the moment absolutely worthless.

Not as yet perceiving that his visit was unacceptable and that no explanation was desired, Jacques Bricheteau persisted in his statement:

"Excellent," said the Marquis, taking up from the table a gold snuff-box which he twirled in his fingers. Then, after a short silence, he added: "Now I owe you certain explanations. Our good friend Jacques Bricheteau, if he will have the kindness, will lay them before you." This was equivalent to the royal formula of the old regime: "My chamberlain will tell you the rest."

"Ah! that electoral business," said Jacques Bricheteau; "we will talk about that to-morrow when we bring you the purchase-money and your fees." Thereupon we took leave, and returned to the Hotel de la Poste, where I bade good-night to my father and came to my room to write to you.

"I am not a lawyer," I answered; "but it seems to me that, supposing I do not feel honored by this recognition, it does not wholly depend on me to decline it." "Pardon me," replied Jacques Bricheteau; "under the circumstances you could, if you chose, legally contest the paternity.

But why should the man who recognizes me as his son conceal the very country in which he lives, and the name by which he is known in that equally nameless Northern land which it is intimated that he governs? Why make such sacrifices for my benefit and show so little confidence? And see the mystery with which Jacques Bricheteau has surrounded my life!

As soon as Sallenauve was alone with the organist, he inquired the reason that led him to follow him; and he heard, with some emotion, the news of the intrigues which Maxime de Trailles had apparently organized against him. Returning to his original suspicions, he said to Jacques Bricheteau,

"But," said Madame de l'Estorade, excitedly, "do you think that my hatred, as you call it, will be acted? I do hate him, that man; he is our evil genius!" "Come, come, my dear, be calm! I don't know you you, you have always been Reason incarnate." At this moment Lucas entered the room and asked his mistress if she would receive a Monsieur Jacques Bricheteau.

Evidently, the wire was disconnected; the besieged was secure, unless I kicked in the door; but that of course, was not altogether the thing to do. I returned to the porter and, without giving the reasons for my discomfiture, I told him about it. In that way I won his confidence and so obtained some little information about the impenetrable Monsieur Jacques Bricheteau.

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