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Updated: August 21, 2024

Betise! I tell you it is a lady of my acquaintance. 'The Cardinal! She is carrying off the Italian rolled up in a mattress! Down with the fox! came another terrible outcry; but by this time M. Darpent had been hustled up to the door, and put himself between us and the throng. He could hear me now when I told him it was merely Mademoiselle's bedding which we were carrying out to her.

He has regularly despised each one of his books immediately upon finishing it. My enthusiasm is too much his own music, as it were. It needs the reverberation of the impartial mind to reassure him that he has not been guilty of a betise. "Mr. Hawthorne had no idea of portraying me in Hilda. Whatever resemblance one sees is accidental."

'My dear fellow, continued the Count, twirling the prettiest cane in the world, 'this is a bêtise of you to be here and not send for me. Who has put you here? 'My dear Mirabel, it is all up. 'Pah! How much is it? 'I tell you I am done up. It has got about that the marriage is off, and Morris and Levison have nabbed me for all the arrears of my cursed annuities. 'But how much?

"Monsieur le Comte," said the Vicomte, "you are a severe critic and a lugubrious prophet; but a German is so safe from revolution that he takes alarm at the stir of movement which is the normal state of the French esprit." "French esprit may soon evaporate into Parisian betise.

If I cannot have emotions, I must have the world. You would offer me neither one nor the other. You are blase in everything, even in ambition. You had a career before you, and you would not take it. You give it up! for what? for a betise, for an absurd scruple. Why would you not have that seat, and be such a puritain? Why should you refuse what is mine by right, by right, entendez-vous?"

That seventy-two men should plot the assassination of a sovereign on whose life interests so numerous and so watchful depend, and imagine they could keep a secret which any drunkard amongst them would blab out, any tatterdemalion would sell, is a betise so gross that I think it highly probable.

She should never jerk the reins as a signal to start, because this practice is very apt to confuse and consequently to irritate the animal, especially as the perpetrator of this bêtise will, in all probability, use the same means for stopping him. Before she gets on his back, the instructor should show how the reins should be held, and how the horse should be given the order to walk.

It's those carts, or, what was it?... the rumble of the carts carrying bread to humanity being more important than the Sistine Madonna, or, what's the saying?... une betise dans ce genre. Don't you understand, don't you understand, I said to him, 'that unhappiness is just as necessary to man as happiness. Il rit. We were silent again for a minute.

It is because I think kissing a mistake. Not only a mistake, but a positive bétise. It commonizes everything, and and is really death to sentiment in my opinion." "Death to it? an aid to it, I should say," says Mr. Gower, bluntly. "Should you? I am sure experience will prove you wrong," says Dulce, suavely, "and, at all events, I hate being kissed." "Do you?

There had never been anything in any bedroom fireplace of the inn less innocent than paper flowers; bedroom fireplaces were for paper flowers; while as for washing it was a bêtise to want to do so in the evening, especially with hot water, which was a madness at any time, unless by doctor's orders.

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