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Updated: August 10, 2024

The identity of Jones Harvey remains a puzzle to the learned. The classical authority on the Berbalangs is still the paper by Mr. Skertchley in the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. The evidence of Captain Funkal is rejected as 'marine. Te-iki-pa decided to remain in New York as custodian of the Moas.

This tribe is the Berbalangs. 'That's what Professor Jenkins called them, said the captain. 'The Berbalangs are subject to neither of the chiefs in the island. No native will approach their village. They are cannibals. The story is that they can throw themselves into a kind of trance.

The whole population of the States, sir, not to mention the live stock, cannot afford to go about wearing cocoa-nut pearls, a precaution which would be necessary if I landed these venomous Berbalangs of yours on our shores: man and wife too, likely to have a family of young Berbalangs. Snakes are not a patch on these darkeys, and our coloured population, at least, would be busted up.

'Well, I wear one too, said the captain, pointing to the pin in his necktie. 'Are you going to tell me that I am a traitor to the flag, sir? I warn you Professor, to be careful. 'What am I to think? asked Jenkins. 'It is rather more important what you say, replied the captain. 'What is this fine conspiracy? 'I had read in England about the Berbalangs. 'Probably in Mr.

"'My friend, said he at last, 'I suppose you will be suspecting me; yet I give you my word and the Hadji Hamid is no liar that if Aoodya is a Berbalang, or a daughter of Berbalangs, the same was unknown to me when I married you. "'I'll believe that, I answered; 'the more by token that I never suspected you.

I have heard of no well authenticated instance in which the force, whatever it is, has been fatal to Europeans. The superstitious natives, much as they dread the Berbalangs, believe that they will not attack a person who wears a cocoa- nut pearl. Why this should be so, if so it is, I cannot guess.

Perhaps before a steamer touches there which is not once in a blue moon you'll have had time to write an exhaustive monograph on the Berbalangs, their manners and customs. Horrified by the abject distress of one who, after all, was their countryman, Bude and Logan induced the captain to seclude Jenkins in his cabin.

My experience was similar to that of Mr. Skertchley, but, for personal reasons, was much more awful and distressing. One of the most beautiful of the island girls, a person of most amiable and winning character, not, alas! of my own faith' Bude's voice broke 'was one of the victims of the Berbalangs. . . . I loved her. He paused, and covered his face with his hands.

'I denounce this man and his companion, said Jenkins, noticing a pearl ring on Bude's finger; 'I denounce them of conspiracy, mean conspiracy, against this expedition, and against the American flag. 'As how? inquired the captain, lighting a cigar with irritating calmness. 'They wear these pearls, in which I had trusted for absolute security against the Berbalangs.

"The Berbalangs' village stands on a sort of table-land in the hills which rise all the way to Mount Tebulian, near the centre of the island. After the first two miles I found myself in strange country, and Hamid kept silence and signed to me to do the same.

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