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Updated: August 8, 2024

On came the ape-man with never a pause, straight for the lion. "Go away, Numa," he cried, "or Tarzan will tie you up again and lead you through the jungle without food. See Arad, my spear! Do you recall how his point stuck into you and how with his haft I beat you over the head? Go, Numa! I am Tarzan of the Apes!"

Balaam had looked down upon their rocky strongholds from the heights of Moab; and they had accompanied their Hebrew comrades of Judah from their first camping-ground near Jericho to the wilderness south of Arad. Here they lived among the Amalekite Bedâwin down to the days of Saul.

At length a more careful search was made, and it proved that coal existed there in abundance! In 1867 mining was commenced on a large scale by the Kronstäder Company. The next year a town was already growing up in the neighbourhood of the mines, and increased in a most surprising manner. In 1870 the railway was opened from Petrosèny to Piski, on the main line from Arad.

I wish I had the pluck to run away, or to kill myself or do something but I am such an abominable coward and I shall loathe to live in Arad in a tiny secondhand clothes shop, with that hideous monster for a husband pointed at by everyone as the girl with a disgraceful story to her credit and sold to a creature whom no one else would have in order to cover up a scandal."

When, however, the post chaise stopped in front of his house at Arad who should he see coming to meet him through the gate but this very coachman whose astonishment at the meeting was even greater than his master's. And then, to the amazement of the postillion, master and servant fell upon each other's necks and embraced each other again and again. "Come into the house," said Mr.

Margari and goes to prove that iron is not the only metal susceptible of the influence of the magnet. The worthy maiden had persuaded her respected swain to abduct her from Hidvár, an enterprise which he had nobly performed while the lady of the house was travelling with her husband to Arad.

During the evenings of his visit at Hidvár he had won back everything which he had lost on the occasion of his friend Hátszegi's visit at Kengyelesy, and in the joy of his heart he gave his countess carte blanche in the matter of entertaining her friends and opened his halls freely to the elegant world of Arad. For the society of Arad is distinctly elegant.

"Then God grant you plenty! By the way, does the wind still blow through the crevices of the prison door at Arad?" "It blows for him who lists to it. Let him who likes it not close his ears to it." "Have many children been born to the governor of the jail lately?" "Yes, lots have been born there and christened too." "Has the daughter of the cord been married lately?"

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