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Updated: August 27, 2024

Very many modern examples hereof might be alledg'd, wherein might be shewed how many peaces concluded, and how many promises made, have been violated and broken by the infidelity of Princes; and ordinarily things have best succeeded with him that hath been nearest the Fox in condition.

Those for the reasons alledg'd are able to open thee a way into that State, and to further thy victory, which afterwards to make good to thee, draws with it exceeding many difficulties, as well with those that have ayded thee, as those thou hast supprest.

The Rabbins beleived that the Silvani, Pans and Fauni, call'd Incubus's and the Tutelar Gods, were Creatures left imperfect the first Friday Evening, and not finish'd by God, as being prevented by the ensuing Sabbath; for this reason they alledg'd, these Spirits love Mountains and dark Places only, and never appear but in the Night time: And the Incubus's not only Court and desire to Caress Women, but have actually Caress'd them.

"Your Goodness, said he, can alone be equalled by your Modesty; give me Leave then to tell you, I have served long and faithfully in the late Wars against the Owls and Magpyes, but to my great Surprize, at my Return home; my Regiment, without any Fault alledg'd, was taken from me, and given to a Valet de Chambre who had never seen an Enemy; his Master was a Boutofallalian, had a Mind to reward his Pimp, and all that I cou'd say, might as well have been let alone.

'Twas vigorosly alledg'd that Standing Armies in times of Peace, were inconsistent with the Publick Safety, the Laws and Constitutions of all the Nations in the Moon.

Now to affirm that the greater part of People are ignorant concerning that which is not only their Duty to know, but which also many are so sensible they ought to know, as that they pretend to understand it enough to be either zealous about, or else to contemn it; and to assert likewise that they want the knowledge of what is peculiarly belonging to them, in their particular Station, to understand; are such Charges as ought not to be alledg'd, if they are not so evidently true, as that we cannot open our Eyes without seeing them to be so.

By Vertue of this Gift, or Legacy, as soon as the King dyed, who was then languishing, and as the other Parry alledg'd, not in a very good capacity to make a Will; the Gallunarian King sent his Grandson to seize upon the Crown, and backing him with suitable Forces, took Possession of all his strong Fortifications and Frontiers.

In short, they seiz'd him without any Crime alledg'd, took violently from him his Licence, as a Crolian Priest, by which the Law justify'd what he had done, pretending it was forg'd, and after very ill Treating him, condemn'd him to the Wars, delivers him up for a Souldier, and accordingly carry'd him away.

Hence came it that all the prophets that were arm'd, prevail'd; but those that were unarm'd, were too weak: for besides what we have alledg'd, the nature of the people is changeable, and easie to be perswaded to a matter; but it is hard also to settle them in that perswasion.

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