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Updated: August 1, 2024

"It puts me in a mighty tucker ter hev yer brother a-settin' out through the woods this hyar way, an' a-leavin' of we-uns hyar, all by ourselves sech a dark night. I'm always afeared thar mought be a bar a-prowlin' round. An' the cornfield air close ter the house, too."

"I ain't a-goin' to have the cussed parsons a-prowlin' round 'ere," growled the old woman, viciously. "I ain't a-goin' to die yet, cuss ye; I'm goin' to get well an' strong, an' 'ave a good time of it." "I'm afraid you won't recover," said Calton, gently. "You had better let me send for a doctor." "No, I shan't," retorted the hag, aiming a blow at him with all her feeble strength.

I hev been so onlucky ez I couldn't make out ter pay him nohow in the worl'. Ye see, I traded with Nate fur a shoat, an' the spiteful beastis sneaked out'n my pen, an' went rootin' round the aidge o' the clearin', an' war toted off bodaciously by a bar ez war a-prowlin' round thar. An' I got no good o' that thar shoat, 'kase the bar hed him, but I hed to pay fur him all the same.

"Who the oh, it's you, sir! beg your pardon, I'm sure, but I thought it was one of them sneakin' pirate chaps a-prowlin' round," he exclaimed. "I thought I heard a sound o' some sort as I comed in from the deck, and thinks I, `That's one o' them cowardly villains that has sneaked aft for some purpose of his own that ain't no good, I dare swear.

"Children of toil, who bend their weary frames over their toilsome, oncongenial labor all the week, with the wolves of Cold and Hunger a-prowlin' round 'em, ready to devour them and their children if they stop their labor for one day out of the six

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