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Updated: August 11, 2024

But though it didn't fall out only three times, as I said, it kep' us all nerved up and uneasy the hull of the time expectin' it. And Steve Yerden kep' a-yellin' at his horses all the time; there wuzn't no comfort to be took within a mile of him. I wuz awful sorry it happened so, on her account.

There wuz a woodsy island down in our creek that Josiah had called hisen for years and years, rained peaceful and prosperous over so we spozed, it made a dretful handy place for our young stock to stand in the shade in the summer, and our ducks and geese jest made their hum there, but what should Bill Yerden do when he bought the old Shelmadine place but jest scoop up that island and try to prove that it wuz hisen.

And then I see that there stood Old Bobbet, Sime Yerden, Deacon Sypher, and, in fact, most all the men in the neighborhood and some beyend it, some from the Loontown road, and some from over towards Shackville. There wuz more'n twenty of 'em. And I sez, and I almost fainted as I sez it "Has another war broke loose, or is it a wild animal from a circus? Tell me, oh, tell me what it is!"

But Miss Yerden looked tickled, she is so blind in her own conceit, and Lihu spoke so polite to her, she thought he considered her word as goin' beyend the Bible. Then Lophemia Pegrum spoke up, and sez she "Don't you believe in keeping the Sabbath, Lihu?" "Yes, indeed, I do," sez he, firm and decided. "I do believe in it with all my heart.

Keturah had to have help in the office once in awhile, and two men wanted to work for her, Nate Yerden and Sam Pendergrast. She didn't like Nate, and she did like Sam, and I don't spoze it made much difference in her feelin's, but Sam kep' sheep and did gin her yarn for a pair of stockin's, and jest out of pure kindness I colored it for her in my indigo dye tub.

But Miss Yerden spoke up, and sez she "I don't care whether it is true or not. I have always said, and always will say, that if any belief goes aginst the Bible, I had ruther believe in the Bible than in the truth any time." And more than half of us wimmen agreed with her.

If errors and mistakes have crept in through the weaknesses of men, or if the pages have become blotted by the dust of time, we hated to have 'em brung out and looked too clost into we hated to, like a dog. So we, most all of us, had a fellow feelin' for Miss Yerden, and looked approvin' at her.

Hank Yerden, whose wife is a Suffragist, and who is mistrusted to have a leanin' that way himself, answered him, "Oh, they wanted the lawmakers to read their petitions asking for the rights of ordinary citizens. They said as long as their property wuz taxed they had the right of representation.

They had to go right by the side of the house, right by the parlor winders, to get to the side of the barn where they wanted to thresh; and just as they wuz a-goin' by one of the horses got down, and of all the yellin' I ever heard that was the cap sheaf. Steve Yerden is rough on his horses, dretful rough. He yells at 'em enough to raise the ruff.

"But," sez Miss Yerden, "don't you know what the Bible sez 'Forget not the assemblin' of yourselves together'?" "Well," piped up Bub Lum, aged fourteen, and a perfect imp "I guess that if the Fair is open Sundays, folks that are there won't complain about there not bein' folks enough assembled together. I guess they won't complain on't no, indeed!"

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