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Updated: August 15, 2024

'Ury ! Mrs. Heep began, with an anxious gesture. 'YOU hold your tongue, mother, he returned; 'least said, soonest mended. 'But, my Ury 'Will you hold your tongue, mother, and leave it to me? Though I had long known that his servility was false, and all his pretences knavish and hollow, I had had no adequate conception of the extent of his hypocrisy, until I now saw him with his mask off.

And Josiah sez, "I wonder what Ury would say if I should set him to transplantin' a hull field of wheat, spear by spear, as they do here, set 'em out in rows as we do onions. And I guess he'd kick if I should hitch him onto the plow to plow up a medder, or onto the mower or reaper. I guess I'd git enough of it. I guess he'd give me my come-up-ance." "Not if he wuz so polite as the Japans," sez I.

The punishment was terrible. Quack and Cuffee, the first to be executed, were burned at the stake on May 30. All through the summer the trials and the executions continued, harassing New York and indeed the whole country. Altogether twenty white persons were arrested; four Hughson, his wife, Peggy, and Ury were executed, and some of their acquaintances were forced to leave the province.

Give my love to Waitstill Webb and Elder White, give it to 'em simeltaneous and together, tell 'em how much I think on 'em both for the good they're doin'. Tell Arvilly I often think of her and what she has went through and pity her. Give a hen to the widder Gowdey for Christmas. Let Josiah carry it, or no, I guess Ury had better, I am away and folks might talk.

As an example of the high-minded mercantile man trained in upright habits of business, and distinguished for justice, truthfulness, and honesty of dealing in all things, the career of the well-known David Barclay, grandson of Robert Barclay, of Ury, the author of the celebrated 'Apology for the Quakers, may be briefly referred to.

Hughson and his wife and the infamous Peggy were promptly hanged, and likewise John Ury who was convicted of being a Catholic priest as well as a conspirator; and twenty-nine negroes were sent with similar speed either to the gallows or the stake, while eighty others were deported.

And then he started out; and I went down, and got a good supper, but I sithed and groaned powerful and frequent. Philury got home safely from her bridal tower, lookin' clever, but considerable lonesome. Truly, men are handy on many occasions, and in no place do they seem more useful and necessary than on a weddin' tower. Ury seemed considerable tickled to have her back agin.

"Why," sez he, "jest think how old that is, most a thousand years B. C. It is time another wuz writ, and I'm the one to write it." But I shall try to talk him out of it. He said he shouldn't begin it till our return to Jonesville, so Ury could help him in measurin' the lines with a stick.

The next afternoon Faith started on her visit to her aunt beyend Kingston. And immegiately after her departure, Josiah said he'd got to go home right away. Sez he, "It hain't right to leave Ury to bear all the brunt of the work alone." Sez I, "Ury has got over the hardest of the work, and writ so."

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