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Updated: August 9, 2024

There these fluids undergo some change, before they pass on into the circulation; but if they are very acrid, the conglobate gland swells, and sometimes suppurates, as in inoculation of the small-pox, in the plague, and in venereal absorptions; at other times the fluid may perhaps continue there, till it undergoes some chemical change, that renders it less noxious; or, what is more likely, till it is regurgitated by the retrograde motion of the gland in spontaneous sweats or diarrhoeas, as disagreeing food is vomited from the stomach.

They are usually adherent to the deeper parts, and when situated over the skull may be lodged in a depression or actual gap in the bone. Sometimes the cyst becomes infected and suppurates, and finally ruptures on the surface. This may lead to a natural cure, or a persistent sinus may form.

#Wounds of Muscles and Tendons.# When a muscle is cut across in a wound, its ends should be brought together with sutures. If the ends are allowed to retract, and especially if the wound suppurates, they become united by scar tissue and fixed to bone or other adjacent structure.

In man also the clinical features of the chronic variety of the disease are somewhat different from those of the acute form. Here, too, infection takes place through a broken cutaneous surface, and leads to a superficial lymphangitis with nodular thickening of the lymphatics (farcy buds). The neighbouring glands soon become swollen and indurated. The primary lesion meanwhile inflames, suppurates, and, after breaking down, leaves a large, irregular ulcer with thickened edges and a foul, purulent or bloody discharge. The glands break down in the same way, and lead to wide destruction of skin, and the resulting sinuses and ulcers are exceedingly intractable. Secondary deposits in the subcutaneous tissue, the muscles, and other parts, are not uncommon, and the nasal mucous membrane may become involved. The disease often runs a chronic course, extending to four or five months, or even longer. Recovery takes place in about 50

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