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Updated: August 23, 2024

I puts nuthin' thar 'thout his knowin' it. I ain't a fox, nur a mink, nur su'thin wild, ter go skulkin' 'bout on the sly." Then he pressed hastily on out of temptation's way. "Haw! haw! haw!" laughed the man in the mist. There was no mirth in the tones now; his laugh was a bitter gibe.

Ef I war ter leave an' go a-gold huntin', the men on the mounting would find out what I war arter, an' they'd come a-grabblin' thar too, an' mebbe git it all, 'kase I dunno how much or how leetle thar be. I wants ter make sure of enough ter buy a horse, or a mule, or su'thin', ef I kin, 'fore I tells ennybody else. An' I 'lowed ez ye an' me would go pardners.

They will scour the kentry fur Bubby ef thar ain't su'thin' positive ter make them sure ez he be dead, too." Jubal Clenk, so readily cast down, meditated dolorously, as he sat still in the boat, on this signal omission in the chain of evidence. "It would sure hev made it all 'pear a heap mo' like an accident," he said disconsolately.

Byers elevated his shaggy eyebrows in surprise. "Ye see," said the tanner in a confidential undertone, "sence Birt hev stole that thar grant, I kin argufy ez he mought steal su'thin' else, an' I ain't ekal ter keepin' up a spry lookout on things, an' bein' partic'lar 'bout the count o' the hides an' sech. I can't feel easy with sech a mischeevious scamp around."

"Oh, ho oh, ho I see," the old man said, tractable and easily convinced. "I know Lawd! I got reason ter know that Briscoe's dead. I war afeared o' seein' su'thin' oncommon his harnt, or some sech. The idee shuk me powerful. I hev had a fever lately. Lemme sit down I I can't stand up.

An' now ye ter be talkin' 'bout heavin' the leetle, harmless deedie over the bluff!" "What ails yer hearin'?" retorted Drann angrily. "I said su'thin' his coat, his hat throw su'thin' over, ter make folks think he war in the accident, too mare run away and the whole consarn flopped bodaciously over the bluff!

Nick's face turned red as he answered, "That thar tur-r-key ain't a-nigh thar." "What ails ye, Nick? thar's su'thin' wrong. I kin tell it by yer looks. Ye never hed the grit ter sarch thar, I'll be bound; did ye, now?" Nick could not bring himself to admit having been near the place. "No," he faltered, "I never sarched thar." "Ye'll do it now, though!" his mother declared triumphantly.

Where he got 'em, no one ever knew exactly, and in them days it wasn't what you'd call healthy to ask questions. Indeed, I've seen many a perfectly healthy man took off sudden, just because he got inquisitive about su'thin', that wasn't none of his business in the first place. But that's neither here nor there. Sam had the cattle, and I was punchin' for him.

"To all others, especially in the sealing business, which is my raal occupation. It's the very best way in the world to discover islands; and everybody knows that we sealers are always on the lookout for su'thin' of that sort." "Will you suffer me to inquire, Captain Poke, how many times you have doubled Cape Horn?"

"Mud no, not quite. I have got a glimmer o' su'thin'," said Johnson. "Ditto," said Slagg. "Supper," said old Meerta. "Ha! that's the battery for me," cried Stumps, jumping up. "Not a bad one either," said Robin, as they entered the cave; "alternate plates of beef and greens, steeped in some such acid as lemonade, cause a wonderful commotion in the atoms of the human body."

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